

単語帳レビュー 高校生 高校英語

ALL IN ONE徹底レビュー1・単語編・DUO3.0他との被りや問題カバー率をプログラミングで徹底検証【ターゲット】【LEAP】

投稿日:2022年6月21日 更新日:




ALL IN ONE徹底レビュー2・DUO3.0やターゲット1000との熟語被りをプログラミングで検証

ALL IN ONEのレビューや比較をプログラミングの観点から2回に分けて検証。今回は後半の熟語編です。DUO3.0やターゲット1000との熟語被り、差分における各熟語帳の特色などを検証しました。



ALL IN ONEは単語と熟語それぞれがかなりのボリュームです。よって他との比較も、単語帳・熟語帳別で前・後半の2回に分けて検証することにします。

※収録単語・熟語の数は全く変わらないため、より単語帳としての感覚に近いサイズのALL IN ONE・携帯版を使用しています。


単語帳 単語レベル 解説・派生語 回しやすさ
ターゲット1900 5 out of 5 stars


4 out of 5 stars

4 out of 5 stars
必携英単語LEAP 4 out of 5 stars


4.5 out of 5 stars 4 out of 5 stars
DUO3.0 4 out of 5 stars


4 out of 5 stars 5 out of 5 stars


ALL IN ONE 5 out of 5 stars


4 out of 5 stars


3.5 out of 5 stars

というわけで今回は、1冊で4冊分身に付くという謳い文句で有名なALL IN ONEの(主に単語に絞った)レビューを中心に、同系統のDUO3.0含む有名単語帳との収録単語の共通項や差分、共通テストや難関大学におけるカバー率などを、プログラミングを利用して比較・検証していきたいと思います。





ALL IN ONEの概要はこんな感じ。

出版元はLinkage Clubという1999年に設立された会社です。著者は高山英士先生。ホームページによると通訳や翻訳の世界で長年活躍されている英語のプロですね。



















ALL IN ONEのレイアウト

ALL IN ONEの見開きはこんな感じ(携帯版につき75パーセントに縮小モードだそうです)。








分かりやすい例をあげれば、河合塾や駿台の共通テスト実践問題集。その解答部分に長文解説がありますよね? その欄で簡単に品詞や訳が載った単語コーナーがおまけ的に並んでいますが、そのイメージに近いと感じました。





今回のALL IN ONEの見開きは、DUO3.0以上に初心者お断りの雰囲気が感じられます。












count (動)〜を数える/当てにする


特に後者は"count on A"(Aに頼る)という有名な熟語としても出てくる(見出語リストも別で表記)ので、記憶への定着として高いレベルが期待できます。




























それでは次にALL IN ONEを中心に、同系統のDUO3.0や大学受験2次試験向けの単語帳(ターゲット1900、LEAP)との2冊比較をしていきます。


その前にALL IN ONE以外の3冊の単語帳は、そもそも2冊比較だとどれくらい被っているのでしょうか?









それでは早速ALL IN ONEとDUO3.0の比較に入ります。




もちろん2535単語も載っているからだと言えばそれまでですが、ALL IN ONEから見れば半分弱、DUO3.0目線で見れば7割ぐらいは被っていそう。

ALL IN ONEとターゲット1900の比較

次にALL IN ONEとターゲット1900の共通項はこんな感じ。



次にALL IN ONEとLEAPの共通項はこんな感じ。











1. aid
2. aim
3. ban
4. beg
5. due
6. owe
7. raw
8. rob
9. row
10. sum
11. via
12. bear
13. bend
14. bill
15. bump
16. bury
17. cell
18. crop
19. cure
20. dare
21. debt
22. deny
23. drag
24. duty
25. earn
26. envy
27. evil
28. fake
29. fare
30. fate
31. feat
32. feed
33. firm
34. folk
35. fuel
36. fund
37. gaze
38. gene
39. grab
40. hate
41. hide
42. item
43. jury
44. leak
45. leap
46. lend
47. load
48. mess
49. myth
50. obey
51. pain
52. pile
53. pity
54. pour
55. pray
56. quit
57. rage
58. rare
59. rent
60. role
61. rude
62. ruin
63. seek
64. sigh
65. soil
66. tear
67. term
68. vice
69. view
70. vote
71. warn
72. yell
73. abuse
74. admit
75. adopt
76. allow
77. alter
78. apply
79. argue
80. arise
81. avoid
82. award
83. aware
84. awful
85. blame
86. boast
87. bully
88. cause
89. cheat
90. claim
91. court
92. crack
93. crime
94. crude
95. cruel
96. curse
97. doubt
98. eager
99. erect
100. erupt
101. exist
102. extra
103. faith
104. fault
105. favor
106. focus
107. force
108. frown
109. grain
110. greet
111. grief
112. habit
113. harsh
114. humid
115. ideal
116. imply
117. issue
118. judge
119. major
120. means
121. mercy
122. moral
123. naked
124. novel
125. occur
126. offer
127. organ
128. phase
129. prove
130. quote
131. rough
132. rumor
133. rural
134. share
135. sight
136. skill
137. solid
138. spare
139. split
140. spoil
141. stare
142. swear
143. tease
144. timid
145. trace
146. trade
147. trial
148. tribe
149. troop
150. trust
151. twist
152. upset
153. vague
154. vital
155. vivid
156. waste
157. worth
158. yield
159. absorb
160. absurd
161. access
162. accuse
163. active
164. adjust
165. admire
166. advise
167. affect
168. afford
169. annual
170. arouse
171. arrest
172. aspect
173. assure
174. attach
175. attend
176. behave
177. betray
178. bullet
179. burden
180. casual
181. charge
182. client
183. commit
184. common
185. create
186. credit
187. crisis
188. custom
189. damage
190. decade
191. decent
192. decide
193. defeat
194. demand
195. depend
196. desert
197. desire
198. detail
199. device
200. devote
201. differ
202. effect
203. emerge
204. endure
205. entire
206. ethnic
207. expand
208. figure
209. forbid
210. foster
211. freeze
212. guilty
213. humble
214. ignore
215. import
216. impose
217. income
218. insist
219. insult
220. intend
221. latter
222. launch
223. likely
224. locate
225. luxury
226. mammal
227. manual
228. matter
229. mental
230. method
231. mutual
232. notice
233. notion
234. object
235. obtain
236. occupy
237. orphan
238. policy
239. polish
240. praise
241. prefer
242. priest
243. profit
244. proper
245. pursue
246. reason
247. recall
248. reduce
249. refuse
250. regime
251. region
252. regret
253. reject
254. remark
255. remedy
256. remind
257. remove
258. repair
259. resent
260. resign
261. resist
262. resort
263. retain
264. reveal
265. review
266. reward
267. ritual
268. sacred
269. scheme
270. search
271. settle
272. sorrow
273. spread
274. starve
275. status
276. strain
277. submit
278. subtle
279. suffer
280. supply
281. survey
282. temper
283. theory
284. urgent
285. vacant
286. vanish
287. victim
288. wealth
289. wonder
290. abandon
291. abolish
292. account
293. achieve
294. acquire
295. advance
296. approve
297. article
298. ashamed
299. attempt
300. awkward
301. benefit
302. cabinet
303. capable
304. capital
305. certain
306. cherish
307. command
308. compare
309. complex
310. conceal
311. concept
312. condemn
313. conduct
314. confess
315. confine
316. confirm
317. confuse
318. conquer
319. consist
320. consult
321. contain
322. contend
323. content
324. correct
325. council
326. crucial
327. culture
328. curious
329. current
330. deceive
331. declare
332. decline
333. deficit
334. delight
335. deposit
336. deprive
337. deserve
338. despite
339. destiny
340. dismiss
341. dispute
342. disturb
343. divorce
344. drought
345. earnest
346. element
347. embrace
348. examine
349. exhaust
350. expense
351. exploit
352. explore
353. express
354. fatigue
355. feature
356. forgive
357. formula
358. fortune
359. fragile
360. fulfill
361. genuine
362. gravity
363. harvest
364. hostile
365. imitate
366. impress
367. impulse
368. inherit
369. initial
370. inspire
371. involve
372. jealous
373. laundry
374. measure
375. mention
376. neglect
377. nuclear
378. obscure
379. observe
380. operate
381. outcome
382. outlook
383. persist
384. possess
385. precise
386. predict
387. prepare
388. pretend
389. prevail
390. prevent
391. proceed
392. project
393. promote
394. propose
395. protest
396. quality
397. realize
398. recover
399. reflect
400. release
401. replace
402. require
403. respect
404. revenue
405. scatter
406. scratch
407. shelter
408. similar
409. species
410. stumble
411. subject
412. suggest
413. suppose
414. survive
415. suspect
416. suspend
417. swallow
418. torture
419. traffic
420. trivial
421. undergo
422. various
423. welfare
424. whisper
425. witness
426. worship
427. abundant
428. accurate
429. adequate
430. ambition
431. announce
432. appetite
433. approach
434. assemble
435. astonish
436. audience
437. bankrupt
438. chemical
439. collapse
440. commerce
441. complain
442. complete
443. conflict
444. confront
445. consider
446. contempt
447. contract
448. contrary
449. contrast
450. convince
451. diligent
452. disaster
453. district
454. domestic
455. enormous
456. epidemic
457. estimate
458. evidence
459. exchange
460. facility
461. familiar
462. forecast
463. friction
464. frighten
465. function
466. grateful
467. hesitate
468. incident
469. inclined
470. increase
471. indicate
472. industry
473. innocent
474. instinct
475. interest
476. internal
477. irritate
478. maintain
479. material
480. military
481. minister
482. moderate
483. negative
484. numerous
485. obstacle
486. occasion
487. official
488. ordinary
489. overcome
490. overlook
491. peculiar
492. persuade
493. physical
494. positive
495. postpone
496. precious
497. preserve
498. previous
499. priority
500. profound
501. progress
502. prohibit
503. prospect
504. province
505. punctual
506. purchase
507. reckless
508. relevant
509. religion
510. republic
511. research
512. resemble
513. resident
514. resource
515. somewhat
516. specific
517. strategy
518. struggle
519. stubborn
520. superior
521. sympathy
522. thorough
523. tolerate
524. transfer
525. treasure
526. withdraw
527. accompany
528. ambiguous
529. apologize
530. associate
531. authority
532. available
533. candidate
534. celebrate
535. community
536. competent
537. conscious
538. cultivate
539. determine
540. eliminate
541. emergency
542. emphasize
543. encounter
544. encourage
545. entertain
546. essential
547. establish
548. financial
549. guarantee
550. influence
551. insurance
552. interfere
553. interrupt
554. nightmare
555. penetrate
556. pollution
557. potential
558. prejudice
559. primitive
560. principal
561. principle
562. privilege
563. prominent
564. recession
565. recognize
566. recommend
567. reconcile
568. reluctant
569. sacrifice
570. sculpture
571. spectator
572. surrender
573. territory
574. translate
575. aggressive
576. anticipate
577. appreciate
578. artificial
579. atmosphere
580. compensate
581. compromise
582. compulsory
583. conference
584. conscience
585. convenient
586. correspond
587. discipline
588. enterprise
589. eventually
590. exaggerate
591. expedition
592. experiment
593. hypothesis
594. incredible
595. inevitable
596. instrument
597. optimistic
598. particular
599. phenomenon
600. reputation
601. ridiculous
602. statistics
603. sufficient
604. technology
605. anniversary
606. appropriate
607. concentrate
608. consequence
609. corporation
610. demonstrate
611. distinguish
612. environment
613. fundamental
614. independent
615. indifferent
616. instruction
617. legislation
618. manufacture
619. masterpiece
620. opportunity
621. perspective
622. transparent
623. architecture
624. conservation
625. contemporary
626. conventional
627. nevertheless
628. superstition
629. extraordinary
630. indispensable
631. sophisticated
632. administration




ALL IN ONEの数値が異常に高いのが分かります。理由としては総単語数がダントツで一番多い点、受験専門本と比べて幅広い単語(日常会話や英検向け)も含まれている点などが考えられますが、もう少し深掘りしていきましょう。





つまり、中学の主要な教科書であるNEW HORIZONとNEW CROWNに載っている単語を基礎単語とみなし、それらの単語は除外することで、(ある程度は)簡単な単語は省くことができます。







1. bid
2. bob
3. cue
4. hay
5. lag
6. log
7. pin
8. rub
9. sue
10. wed
11. bulk
12. chew
13. clip
14. core
15. doom
16. dump
17. emit
18. flap
19. gear
20. glow
21. grid
22. grip
23. herd
24. hive
25. loan
26. mark
27. maze
28. monk
29. mood
30. numb
31. odor
32. plug
33. pump
34. rank
35. reef
36. seal
37. shun
38. snap
39. suck
40. tomb
41. ward
42. await
43. basin
44. blade
45. blink
46. cater
47. click
48. crush
49. dairy
50. embed
51. evoke
52. excel
53. exile
54. flush
55. forge
56. forth
57. greed
58. grind
59. haven
60. index
61. input
62. joint
63. liver
64. merit
65. model
66. motor
67. mummy
68. obese
69. panic
70. patch
71. pitch
72. polar
73. prone
74. quest
75. queue
76. ratio
77. renew
78. route
79. royal
80. skull
81. smash
82. spark
83. spray
84. stack
85. stake
86. stall
87. stern
88. stray
89. surge
90. swing
91. tweet
92. verse
93. vocal
94. abrupt
95. allege
96. arctic
97. aspire
98. assist
99. awaken
100. behalf
101. bounce
102. bureau
103. cereal
104. clinic
105. combat
106. cortex
107. debris
108. delete
109. depart
110. depict
111. devine
112. domain
113. edible
114. embody
115. enrich
116. entail
117. errand
118. filter
119. format
120. hollow
121. hybrid
122. inject
123. intact
124. intake
125. league
126. makeup
127. marine
128. mortal
129. motion
130. neuron
131. offset
132. orient
133. pollen
134. refine
135. refuge
136. rotate
137. scarce
138. sector
139. sewage
140. shield
141. sprawl
142. staple
143. stroke
144. tablet
145. target
146. update
147. vacuum
148. vendor
149. versus
150. visual
151. worsen
152. adverse
153. archive
154. chamber
155. channel
156. classic
157. cluster
158. compute
159. convict
160. cynical
161. descend
162. digital
163. dilemma
164. dispose
165. distort
166. dynamic
167. eclipse
168. educate
169. embassy
170. empathy
171. fallacy
172. gallery
173. hygiene
174. inhibit
175. instant
176. isolate
177. liberal
178. literal
179. microbe
180. migrate
181. minimum
182. mislead
183. notable
184. ongoing
185. outline
186. overlap
187. placebo
188. prairie
189. primate
190. profile
191. prosper
192. protein
193. recruit
194. refresh
195. rubbish
196. sensory
197. sibling
198. slavery
199. spatial
200. thermal
201. uncover
202. unknown
203. vaccine
204. zealous
205. accustom
206. acoustic
207. allocate
208. apparent
209. autonomy
210. boundary
211. carriage
212. commence
213. cosmetic
214. dementia
215. diabetes
216. diagnose
217. disclose
218. dispatch
219. distinct
220. doctrine
221. dramatic
222. duration
223. external
224. feminine
225. frequent
226. glossary
227. headline
228. holistic
229. ideology
230. inherent
231. interact
232. interior
233. intrigue
234. landmark
235. landmine
236. latitude
237. magnetic
238. maternal
239. metaphor
240. monetary
241. multiple
242. nonsense
243. outbreak
244. paradigm
245. platform
246. predator
247. probable
248. protocol
249. reassure
250. rhetoric
251. scenario
252. sequence
253. simulate
254. solitude
255. spectrum
256. symmetry
257. syndrome
258. underlie
259. wireless
260. aesthetic
261. algorithm
262. alternate
263. authentic
264. cognitive
265. constrain
266. construct
267. costitute
268. diplomacy
269. discourse
270. disregard
271. empirical
272. extrovert
273. formation
274. guideline
275. hierarchy
276. inability
277. inflation
278. intellect
279. intrinsic
280. librarian
281. masculine
282. millenium
283. overwhelm
284. paralysis
285. pervasive
286. pesticide
287. plausible
288. preoccupy
289. recipient
290. spiritual
291. sweatshop
292. synthesis
293. unrelated
294. aboriginal
295. accidental
296. antibiotic
297. collective
298. compassion
299. complement
300. complicate
301. congestion
302. contagious
303. coordinate
304. curriculum
305. depression
306. harassment
307. inequality
308. internship
309. irrelevant
310. mainstream
311. meaningful
312. metabolism
313. subsequent
314. ubiquitous
315. unpleasant
316. vocational
317. approximate
318. archaeology
319. collaborate
320. cooperation
321. correlation
322. demographic
323. immigration
324. incorporate
325. nonetheless
326. predecessor
327. prehistoric
328. subordinate
329. susceptible
330. anthropology
331. disadvantage
332. entrepreneur
333. insufficient
334. intelligible
335. intermediate
336. metropolitan
337. deforestation
338. enlightenment
339. underestimate
340. undergraduate
341. infrastructure


1. VCR
2. ash
3. cop
4. gab
5. hub
6. lid
7. rug
8. sin
9. sow
10. cave
11. deli
12. dent
13. glue
14. junk
15. nail
16. pack
17. pang
18. risk
19. -fold
20. -free
21. 1960s
22. aging
23. blaze
24. cabin
25. clone
26. crazy
27. creep
28. flour
29. flunk
30. foggy
31. frank
32. gauge
33. handy
34. idiot
35. motel
36. niece
37. outer
38. ozone
39. plane
40. prose
41. rusty
42. shore
43. stink
44. suite
45. talks
46. width
47. -story
48. Vienna
49. absent
50. badget
51. curfew
52. faucet
53. fridge
54. gadget
55. hunger
56. needle
57. neural
58. ordeal
59. palace
60. pillar
61. soaked
62. spirit
63. summit
64. tactic
65. wicked
66. Buddist
67. Pacific
68. alcohol
69. aspirin
70. captive
71. ceiling
72. defense
73. density
74. edition
75. ethical
76. harmful
77. jet lag
78. leather
79. loyalty
80. network
81. pastime
82. patriot
83. postwar
84. regular
85. shatter
86. shuffle
87. shuttle
88. stomach
89. swiftly
90. tabloid
91. tension
92. tighten
93. trainee
94. typhoon
95. whether
96. wounded
97. Atlantic
98. alarming
99. aviation
100. backward
101. blessing
102. chairman
103. deceased
104. desolate
105. diarrhea
106. donation
107. economic
108. emission
109. gigantic
110. graceful
111. invasion
112. leftover
113. linguist
114. mechanic
115. monarchy
116. narrowly
117. optional
118. portrait
119. romantic
120. salesman
121. shortcut
122. sociable
123. sometime
124. steadily
125. suitable
126. sweeping
127. thriving
128. upstairs
129. workshop
130. -oriented
131. adversity
132. amendment
133. appliance
134. barometer
135. bedridden
136. birthrate
137. continent
138. ecologist
139. exclusive
140. firsthand
141. flammable
142. hazardous
143. integrity
144. obviously
145. offensive
146. petroleum
147. priceless
148. primarily
149. prolonged
150. self-made
151. stabilize
152. viewpoint
153. violation
154. auditorium
155. beforehand
156. big sister
157. cell phone
158. conformity
159. diplomatic
160. flashlight
161. geographic
162. hemisphere
163. indecisive
164. infinitely
165. inhabitant
166. interstate
167. irrational
168. kidnapping
169. metropolis
170. playwright
171. pro-choice
172. production
173. punishment
174. resolution
175. retirement
176. round-trip
177. skepticism
178. small talk
179. soap opera
180. son-in-law
181. sweatshirt
182. two-thirds
183. ultimately
184. up-to-date
185. Middle Ages
186. citizenship
187. condominium
188. delinquency
189. description
190. devastating
191. disarmament
192. fifty-fifty
193. handwriting
194. homogeneous
195. interactive
196. possibility
197. prestigious
198. real estate
199. renaissance
200. agricultural
201. confidential
202. deregulation
203. enthusiastic
204. passionately
205. perseverance
206. psychologist
207. registration
208. spokesperson
209. white-collar
210. advertisement
211. circumstances
212. grocery store
213. investigation
214. pronunciation
215. restructuring
216. self-confident
217. westernization
218. living standard
219. misunderstanding
220. developing country


1. nap
2. wit
3. bare
4. chin
5. damp
6. fond
7. germ
8. idle
9. lure
10. pole
11. rust
12. spur
13. stun
14. trim
15. weed
16. adore
17. awake
18. beast
19. brick
20. broad
21. choke
22. craft
23. evade
24. hatch
25. quota
26. rapid
27. risky
28. sharp
29. shrug
30. slang
31. sniff
32. thumb
33. tight
34. verge
35. wheel
36. wreck
37. yearn
38. accent
39. agency
40. breeze
41. detach
42. devide
43. divine
44. empire
45. fasten
46. heaven
47. infect
48. intent
49. lessen
50. marked
51. meadow
52. menace
53. mentor
54. meteor
55. mighty
56. partly
57. rattle
58. riddle
59. smooth
60. summon
61. tender
62. tongue
63. wither
64. animate
65. collide
66. diploma
67. discern
68. diverse
69. frankly
70. journal
71. largely
72. leisure
73. nursing
74. obesity
75. perplex
76. storage
77. upright
78. addicted
79. basement
80. bewilder
81. coverage
82. definite
83. diameter
84. entitled
85. ignorant
86. integral
87. manifest
88. mischief
89. obsessed
90. organism
91. overwork
92. pavement
93. possibly
94. renowned
95. shipping
96. shortage
97. singular
98. solitary
99. terminal
100. tiresome
101. affection
102. detergent
103. diagnosis
104. discharge
105. dormitory
106. duplicate
107. energetic
108. evaporate
109. expertise
110. fluctuate
111. framework
112. identical
113. isolation
114. itinerary
115. meanwhile
116. patriotic
117. prototype
118. spectacle
119. subscribe
120. talkative
121. articulate
122. aspiration
123. constitute
124. convention
125. deficiency
126. distortion
127. initiative
128. intriguing
129. melancholy
130. misleading
131. occupation
132. reasonable
133. respective
134. secondhand
135. underlying
136. aristocracy
137. bureaucracy
138. deteriorate
139. interaction
140. persecution
141. self-esteem
142. according to
143. apprehension
144. congratulate
145. intellectual
146. refrigerator
147. simultaneous
148. veterinarian
149. accommodation
150. archaeologist
151. controversial

ALL IN ONEの基礎を除いた独自単語リスト

1. PC
2. CEO
3. FBI
4. bar
5. joy
6. mob
7. mph
8. mud
9. nor
10. pal
11. sly
12. van
13. -odd
14. aide
15. bald
16. bead
17. beam
18. beer
19. cash
20. deed
21. drip
22. dusk
23. grin
24. gulp
25. hymn
26. i.e.
27. java
28. liar
29. lift
30. limo
31. lord
32. mail
33. male
34. meek
35. muse
36. navy
37. none
38. odds
39. puff
40. sack
41. scar
42. silo
43. teen
44. till
45. trot
46. wail
47. worm
48. -like
49. alley
50. amply
51. badly
52. basic
53. birth
54. bleak
55. blunt
56. bride
57. chief
58. chirp
59. choir
60. cliff
61. comet
62. condo
63. debut
64. delta
65. devil
66. dying
67. elder
68. error
69. fatal
70. fully
71. groan
72. groom
73. hurry
74. ivory
75. lapel
76. lobby
77. merry
78. miner
79. needy
80. newly
81. owner
82. post-
83. prank
84. pride
85. prior
86. punch
87. pupil
88. quake
89. rally
90. rocky
91. scorn
92. smoke
93. snarl
94. sneak
95. stout
96. stuck
97. swamp
98. usual
99. vinyl
100. waist
101. wharf
102. widow
103. wrath
104. wrist
105. -faced
106. amazed
107. attire
108. banish
109. battle
110. belief
111. bomber
112. bronze
113. cancel
114. candid
115. chapel
116. coarse
117. costly
118. crater
119. critic
120. daring
121. deputy
122. detest
123. devise
124. devout
125. diaper
126. drawer
127. earner
128. excite
129. feeble
130. fiance
131. fiscal
132. formal
133. futile
134. gamble
135. gifted
136. global
137. grieve
138. grudge
139. harass
140. harbor
141. hatred
142. heater
143. heroic
144. highly
145. joyful
146. lizard
147. lumber
148. micro-
149. mildly
150. misery
151. murmur
152. mutter
153. notify
154. nuance
155. perish
156. postal
157. puddle
158. quiver
159. racism
160. ransom
161. rarely
162. rather
163. revolt
164. rotten
165. ruling
166. salary
167. satire
168. saucer
169. saving
170. senate
171. sermon
172. sexism
173. shrewd
174. shriek
175. signal
176. sleeve
177. speedy
178. stairs
179. stormy
180. strife
181. suited
182. superb
183. terror
184. the UN
185. throne
186. tiring
187. toward
188. tragic
189. trifle
190. umpire
191. utmost
192. wanted
193. widely
194. worthy
195. -spoken
196. admiral
197. alleged
198. amiable
199. anxiety
200. anybody
201. applaud
202. arrival
203. awfully
204. banquet
205. beneath
206. blunder
207. bluntly
208. burglar
209. captain
210. chatter
211. chemist
212. colonel
213. colored
214. conceit
215. confide
216. cunning
217. custody
218. densely
219. diagram
220. dislike
221. drunken
222. dweller
223. engaged
224. envious
225. episode
226. evasion
227. faction
228. fighter
229. firearm
230. foreman
231. founder
232. frantic
233. freeway
234. freight
235. genetic
236. grumble
237. gunboat
238. gymnast
239. hastily
240. heavily
241. janitor
242. mansion
243. monarch
244. monster
245. neither
246. obliged
247. offense
248. oneself
249. outrage
250. payment
251. peasant
252. pleased
253. postage
254. premier
255. refined
256. related
257. robbery
258. roughly
259. scandal
260. scholar
261. servant
262. sharply
263. shopper
264. shortly
265. stepson
266. teenage
267. thunder
268. toddler
269. totally
270. useless
271. vinegar
272. warfare
273. wealthy
274. whoever
275. Catholic
276. assembly
277. athletic
278. bachelor
279. bitterly
280. brightly
281. calamity
282. careless
283. checkbox
284. cleaning
285. colonial
286. conserve
287. creature
288. decisive
289. delegate
290. denounce
291. devision
292. distance
293. emphasis
294. entirely
295. feminist
296. fluently
297. formerly
298. gangster
299. gorgeous
300. governor
301. greeting
302. grown-up
303. hangover
304. hijacker
305. homeland
306. honestly
307. informer
308. instruct
309. judicial
310. lamppost
311. lawmaker
312. lecturer
313. majestic
314. manually
315. ministry
316. mistaken
317. motorist
318. normally
319. oriental
320. outdated
321. pathetic
322. pawnshop
323. politics
324. prisoner
325. proclaim
326. promptly
327. properly
328. proposal
329. railroad
330. reformer
331. regional
332. reliable
333. reporter
334. reproach
335. ridicule
336. rudeness
337. salaried
338. sensibly
339. sergeant
340. severely
341. sexually
342. shepherd
343. shoplift
344. slightly
345. slippery
346. smuggler
347. spelling
348. telegram
349. tranquil
350. trillion
351. trousers
352. urbanite
353. velocity
354. whatever
355. whenever
356. withhold
357. worn-out
358. would-be
359. -mannered
360. Christian
361. Mr. Right
362. abolition
363. adversely
364. afterward
365. allowance
366. annoyance
367. apparatus
368. botanical
369. boyfriend
370. chemistry
371. cigarette
372. clergyman
373. communism
374. complaint
375. confident
376. corporate
377. counselor
378. curiosity
379. dedicated
380. defective
381. defendant
382. delighted
383. desirable
384. developed
385. dishonest
386. drugstore
387. eccentric
388. economist
389. editorial
390. existence
391. explosion
392. exquisite
393. extensive
394. favorable
395. fisherman
396. flat tire
397. full-time
398. gratitude
399. historian
400. hostility
401. housewife
402. housework
403. ignorance
404. imaginary
405. imprudent
406. indignant
407. injustice
408. intensely
409. intention
410. invisible
411. kidnapper
412. landowner
413. long-term
414. magnitude
415. malicious
416. misgiving
417. multitude
418. paragraph
419. part-time
420. perfectly
421. photocopy
422. physicist
423. poisonous
424. promotion
425. redundant
426. reference
427. religious
428. remainder
429. sarcastic
430. similarly
431. socialism
432. sophomore
433. statesman
434. streetcar
435. suffering
436. summarize
437. supporter
438. suspected
439. trash can
440. unanimous
441. underwear
442. unwilling
443. vandalism
444. youngster
445. Fahrenheit
446. accountant
447. accustomed
448. assistance
449. assumption
450. battleship
451. beneficial
452. bridesmaid
453. capitalism
454. chatterbox
455. cheerfully
456. collection
457. comparison
458. completely
459. concerning
460. concession
461. conspiracy
462. constantly
463. consultant
464. courageous
465. determined
466. developing
467. diligently
468. disability
469. dump truck
470. efficiency
471. electrical
472. expression
473. fascinated
474. forecaster
475. formidable
476. frightened
477. hesitation
478. impression
479. impressive
480. industrial
481. inflexible
482. innovative
483. intimidate
484. leadership
485. management
486. misfortune
487. missionary
488. motorcycle
489. multimedia
490. mysterious
491. nationwide
492. passionate
493. possession
494. precaution
495. profitable
496. provincial
497. right-hand
498. separately
499. short-term
500. spacecraft
501. stepsister
502. strengthen
503. submission
504. succession
505. superpower
506. suspicious
507. think tank
508. thoughtful
509. transacton
510. unemployed
511. visibility
512. well-being
513. workaholic
514. astonishing
515. billionaire
516. calculation
517. compartment
518. competition
519. consumption
520. disposition
521. educational
522. examination
523. exceptional
524. exclusively
525. expenditure
526. experienced
527. fire engine
528. furthermore
529. health care
530. implication
531. innumerable
532. malpractice
533. middle-aged
534. mischievous
535. mountaineer
536. paddy field
537. philosopher
538. preoccupied
539. proposition
540. report card
541. restructure
542. spectacular
543. stimulating
544. temporarily
545. the accused
546. underground
547. whereabouts
548. advantageous
549. consequently
550. contribution
551. disappointed
552. discriminate
553. distribution
554. dramatically
555. empty-handed
556. epoch-making
557. far-reaching
558. geographical
559. good-natured
560. guest worker
561. hard-working
562. high-calorie
563. high-ranking
564. kindergarten
565. manufacturer
566. occasionally
567. particularly
568. presidential
569. productivity
570. respectively
571. self-control
572. submissively
573. surveillance
574. the best man
575. unidentified
576. Scotland Yard
577. comprehension
578. consciousness
579. contradictory
580. distinguished
581. multinational
582. narrow-minded
583. opening night
584. psychological
585. revolutionary
586. self-interest
587. the Big Apple
588. conversational
589. discouragement
590. fortune-teller
591. intellectually
592. primary school
593. responsibility
594. self-righteous
595. transformation
596. troubleshooter
597. dissatisfaction
598. general manager
599. notwithstanding
600. secondary school
601. great grandfather
602. natural resources
603. the Supreme Court
604. juvenile delinquent


次にALL IN ONEにおける共通テスト2022のカバー率を見ていきましょう。



はい、母数が大きいから当然ですが、的中単語数はALL IN ONEが圧倒的ですね。もちろん基礎単語の分も有利に働いているはずです。







ALL IN ONEの面積が圧倒的ですね。ここまで広く塗られた例は今まで無かったレベルです。






繰り返しになりますが、ALL IN ONEを極めれば共通テストは余裕で戦えます。

中級者向けに言い方を変えれば、ALL IN ONEをきちんとこなしたいなら、共通テストレベルは達していてほしいとも言えますね。

一応共通テストの基礎を除いた的中単語として、ALL IN ONEのものだけリスト表示しておきます。その他は以前の記事を参照してください。



1. determined
2. generate
3. confuse
4. accord
5. fix
6. benefit
7. related
8. lively
9. superior
10. claim
11. outcome
12. challenging
13. heavily
14. recall
15. reject
16. per
17. indicate
18. beer
19. contaminate
20. creature
21. furniture
22. industry
23. assistance
24. appropriate
25. opposite
26. mention
27. battle
28. current
29. harm
30. senior
31. evidence
32. microwave
33. widely
34. chase
35. basis
36. theory
37. worm
38. teenage
39. serve
40. manufacture
41. acquire
42. religious
43. arise
44. financial
45. item
46. hurry
47. miserable
48. state
49. corporation
50. temperature
51. certain
52. force
53. religion
54. definition
55. private
56. habit
57. nevertheless
58. sum
59. task
60. reserve
61. object
62. asleep
63. soil
64. birth
65. wealthy
66. concept
67. access
68. reflect
69. approximately
70. previous
71. circumstance
72. grant
73. vehicle
74. electrical
75. emerge
76. dozen
77. statement
78. household
79. smart
80. illness
81. compete
82. likely
83. photocopy
84. background
85. available
86. worthwhile
87. complete
88. internal
89. chemistry
90. attempt
91. seek
92. confident
93. allow
94. belief
95. concentrate
96. occur
97. owner
98. maximum
99. approve
100. submit
101. precise
102. term
103. broadcast
104. replace
105. priority
106. purchase
107. diagram
108. scientific
109. slippery
110. perspective
111. submission
112. proof
113. historic

ALL IN ONEは京大英語2020〜22でいくつ的中させたか


以前DUO3.0の検証で使用した、京都大学2020〜22の英語でいくつの単語を的中させたかをALL IN ONEも含めて見ていきましょう。


一見ALL IN ONEが飛び抜けて見えますが、やはりこれも基礎単語をある程度含んでいるためです。いくら最難関の英語といえど、やはり英文とは基礎単語が一番多くなるものです。よって毎度のことながら、公平に中学校の教科書レベルの単語を省いてみましょう。


はい、今度はターゲットとALL IN ONE一番多くの(ある程度のレベル以上の)単語を当てたことになります。LEAPとDUO3.0は少し共通テストの時に比べ、差が開いてしまいました

以上の点から、ALL IN ONEは「1冊でまとめて」系でありながら、ターゲット1900といった2次試験専用の受験向け単語帳と同レベルの単語が載っていることがわかりました。




1. absorb
2. succeed
3. extraordinary
4. require
5. task
6. examine
7. psychology
8. mammal
9. librarian
10. archaeology
11. distinct
12. shrink
13. indicate
14. transform
15. individual
16. trace
17. false
18. widespread
19. flame
20. exist
21. theory
22. phrase
23. illuminate
24. explicit
25. benefit
26. instinct
27. aspect
28. format
29. sort
30. propose
31. competent
32. model
33. trial
34. pervasive
35. unfold
36. term
37. prevent
38. institution
39. uncover
40. tide
41. constant
42. enormous
43. cultivate
44. struggle
45. predecessor
46. keen
47. publish
48. empathy
49. enable
50. ease
51. complex
52. crawl
53. target
54. triumph
55. formation
56. exclude
57. starve
58. inevitable
59. repeat
60. guard
61. regard
62. contend
63. ratio
64. republic
65. compensate
66. despite
67. encyclopedia
68. value
69. significant
70. consist
71. purchase
72. claim
73. divert
74. prey
75. surpass
76. rigid
77. agriculture
78. trap
79. encounter
80. obscure
81. skeptical
82. index
83. somewhat
84. defeat
85. force
86. stable
87. extract
88. asteroid
89. sophisticated
90. mass
91. ultimate
92. technique
93. fundamental
94. pronounce
95. drown
96. behave
97. vulnerable
98. vary
99. available
100. flexible
101. persist
102. clash
103. cease
104. obvious
105. sheer
106. concept
107. political
108. comprehend
109. promote
110. pollen
111. cognitive
112. emerge
113. outcome
114. manipulate
115. deliberate
116. abundant
117. grasp
118. determine
119. strategy
120. allow
121. settle
122. hypothesis
123. stare
124. shield
125. adopt
126. lawyer
127. instant
128. recent
129. modify
130. prehistoric
131. arithmetic
132. archive
133. emit
134. tribe
135. neglect
136. neuron
137. phenomenon
138. surplus
139. context
140. architecture
141. boundary
142. narrative
143. nurture
144. justify
145. abstract
146. intervene
147. evidence
148. attempt
149. reign
150. previous
151. source
152. vast
153. consume
154. approach
155. accord
156. literary
157. forth
158. capable
159. nevertheless
160. derive
161. oppose
162. digital
163. entire
164. enrich
165. convey
166. swear
167. inform
168. accidental
169. impact
170. advent
171. symmetry
172. doctrine
173. comfort
174. fuel
175. laboratory
176. unknown
177. cooperation
178. classify
179. conclude
180. plausible


1. evolution
2. strategy
3. fundamental
4. immigrant
5. invasion
6. require
7. importance
8. succeed
9. complex
10. available
11. instinct
12. claim
13. regard
14. examine
15. form
16. critical
17. contend
18. ability
19. evidence
20. swear
21. capable
22. inevitable
23. temperature
24. mammal
25. significant
26. abstract
27. state
28. theory
29. necessarily
30. technique
31. ultimately
32. cartoon
33. indicate
34. allow
35. background
36. competent
37. starve
38. hemisphere
39. neglect
40. individual
41. relative
42. encounter
43. extent
44. cultivate
45. plane
46. struggle
47. phenomenon
48. transform
49. term
50. comprehend
51. aspect
52. false
53. possibility
54. persist
55. destruction
56. behave
57. oppose
58. coast
59. value
60. scientific
61. approach
62. lie
63. justify
64. fix
65. republic
66. constant
67. density
68. repeat
69. determine
70. tribe
71. distant
72. attempt
73. majority
74. absorb
75. service
76. flood
77. insect
78. settle
79. inform
80. obscure
81. volcano
82. outcome
83. promote
84. enemy
85. adopt
86. surplus
87. previous
88. flexible
89. hypothesis
90. former
91. constitution
92. network
93. shrink
94. source
95. propose
96. rigid
97. compensate
98. publish
99. entire
100. risk
101. encyclopedia
102. enormous
103. purchase
104. exist
105. sheer
106. architecture
107. nevertheless
108. extraordinary
109. abundant
110. defeat
111. huge
112. consist
113. fuel
114. emerge
115. purpose
116. whether
117. otherwise
118. widespread
119. prevent
120. trial
121. neural
122. vast
123. force
124. scale
125. reign
126. creep
127. vision
128. classify
129. somewhat
130. pace
131. concept
132. comfort
133. trace
134. sophisticated
135. trap
136. benefit
137. despite
138. stare


1. shrink
2. narrative
3. extract
4. enemy
5. exist
6. impact
7. starve
8. consist
9. somewhat
10. inevitable
11. concerned
12. hence
13. mighty
14. indeed
15. convey
16. volcano
17. task
18. drown
19. laboratory
20. absorb
21. prey
22. individual
23. outcome
24. fix
25. obvious
26. vision
27. kingdom
28. fuel
29. emerge
30. abundant
31. propose
32. cartoon
33. background
34. evident
35. crawl
36. force
37. vary
38. service
39. tribe
40. despite
41. nevertheless
42. trial
43. complex
44. tide
45. obscure
46. republic
47. interaction
48. defeat
49. examine
50. psychology
51. benefit
52. empire
53. agriculture
54. institution
55. enormous
56. ease
57. require
58. former
59. purpose
60. promote
61. stare
62. behave
63. vulnerable
64. determine
65. mass
66. cease
67. concept
68. enable
69. available
70. architecture
71. skeptical
72. regard
73. indicate
74. aspect
75. horrible
76. manipulate
77. struggle
78. articulate
79. claim
80. contend
81. prevent
82. classify
83. state
84. neglect
85. context
86. derive
87. abstract
88. value
89. ultimate
90. otherwise
91. mammal
92. political
93. critical
94. temperature
95. sophisticated
96. theory
97. consume
98. comprehend
99. flexible
100. stable
101. evolution
102. encounter
103. explicit
104. evidence
105. sheer
106. necessarily
107. divert
108. succeed
109. hypothesis
110. extraordinary
111. pronounce
112. relative
113. scale
114. storage
115. biology
116. fundamental
117. flame
118. adopt
119. advent
120. intellectual
121. illuminate
122. keen
123. sort
124. dawn
125. immigrant
126. ability
127. publish
128. swear
129. cultivate
130. instinct
131. persist
132. competent
133. approach
134. transform
135. capable
136. distant
137. nurture
138. term
139. attempt
140. strategy
141. extent
142. entire
143. phenomenon
144. flood
145. compensate
146. trace
147. huge
148. previous
149. ponder
150. conclude
151. triumph
152. allow
153. oppose
154. significant
155. purchase
156. vast
157. insect
158. grasp
159. modify
160. unfold
161. settle
162. false

ALL IN ONEの基礎を除いた的中単語リスト

1. lie
2. absorb
3. comparison
4. benefit
5. determine
6. purpose
7. collection
8. roughly
9. theory
10. ability
11. invisible
12. coast
13. consist
14. horrible
15. responsibility
16. grasp
17. emerge
18. huge
19. battle
20. starve
21. instinct
22. deliberate
23. phrase
24. sophisticated
25. justify
26. surpass
27. trace
28. arithmetic
29. ponder
30. hypothesis
31. calculation
32. phenomenon
33. recent
34. despite
35. inflexible
36. signal
37. necessarily
38. term
39. insect
40. inform
41. obvious
42. claim
43. astonishing
44. entire
45. struggle
46. distribution
47. ease
48. kingdom
49. promote
50. previous
51. immigrant
52. adopt
53. entirely
54. literary
55. compensate
56. rigid
57. laboratory
58. encounter
59. fundamental
60. guard
61. ultimate
62. political
63. behave
64. vary
65. convey
66. desirable
67. indicate
68. highly
69. require
70. related
71. context
72. scientific
73. institution
74. state
75. force
76. pupil
77. attempt
78. majority
79. former
80. clash
81. fuel
82. somewhat
83. devise
84. extent
85. destruction
86. asteroid
87. scholar
88. architecture
89. keen
90. strategy
91. rather
92. neither
93. abundant
94. tribe
95. constitution
96. republic
97. available
98. persist
99. concerned
100. background
101. stable
102. relative
103. cease
104. exist
105. belief
106. otherwise
107. evident
108. lawyer
109. inevitable
110. critical
111. distant
112. exclude
113. global
114. extract
115. pace
116. reign
117. cultivate
118. derive
119. dawn
120. swear
121. surplus
122. competent
123. mass
124. accord
125. prevent
126. outcome
127. complex
128. source
129. distance
130. philosopher
131. scorn
132. triumph
133. settle
134. trial
135. constantly
136. capable
137. widespread
138. concept
139. fix
140. propose
141. enemy
142. homeland
143. ignorance
144. purchase
145. allow
146. enormous
147. intervene
148. evidence
149. obscure
150. stare
151. contend
152. hence
153. nor
154. importance
155. modify
156. examine
157. repeat
158. neglect
159. ridicule
160. expression
161. biology
162. nevertheless
163. volcano
164. form
165. historian
166. task
167. indeed
168. temperature
169. spectacular
170. trap
171. revolutionary
172. defeat
173. consume
174. aspect
175. mammal
176. service
177. totally
178. approach
179. psychology
180. flood
181. extraordinary





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ターゲット1900 5 out of 5 stars


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3.5 out of 5 stars



































-単語帳レビュー, 高校生, 高校英語

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