

単語帳レビュー 高校生 高校英語


投稿日:2022年7月14日 更新日:








単語帳 難単語 基礎単語 解説・その他
ターゲット1900 5 out of 5 stars 3 out of 5 stars


4 out of 5 stars
システム英単語 5 out of 5 stars 3 out of 5 stars


4 out of 5 stars


LEAP 4 out of 5 stars

4 out of 5 stars


4.5 out of 5 stars
コーパス4500 4 out of 5 stars

4 out of 5 stars


2.5 out of 5 stars











出版元は、中学校の教科書(New Horizon)で有名な東京書籍。初版は2008年ですが、2020年に最新版の4th Edition(改訂版)として新しくなりました。


近くの高校でも採用しているところはないので、東京書籍といえばどうしてもNew Horizonのイメージです。






近年New Horizonのイラストは、普通のアニメで使われてもおかしくないほど垢抜けたイメージがあるんですが、このコーパス4500の表紙は一昔前の教科書に出てきそうなイラストですね。




















have an advantage(有利である)
provide benefits(利益を提供する)
generate profits(利益を生み出す)





















































1. aim
2. ban
3. beg
4. bow
5. dim
6. fee
7. nod
8. odd
9. owe
10. raw
11. ray
12. rid
13. rob
14. row
15. sum
16. tip
17. acid
18. bend
19. bias
20. bind
21. bond
22. bury
23. cell
24. cite
25. clue
26. code
27. cope
28. cram
29. crop
30. cure
31. dare
32. debt
33. drag
34. duty
35. earn
36. envy
37. evil
38. fake
39. fare
40. fate
41. flee
42. fold
43. folk
44. fuel
45. fund
46. gain
47. gaze
48. gene
49. halt
50. harm
51. heal
52. keen
53. lean
54. leap
55. load
56. mass
57. melt
58. myth
59. neat
60. obey
61. peer
62. pile
63. poll
64. pour
65. pray
66. prey
67. pure
68. quit
69. rare
70. rely
71. rent
72. role
73. rude
74. ruin
75. seek
76. shed
77. sigh
78. soak
79. soar
80. soil
81. sole
82. span
83. stem
84. tear
85. tend
86. tide
87. tidy
88. urge
89. vain
90. vary
91. vast
92. vote
93. warn
94. abuse
95. acute
96. adapt
97. admit
98. adopt
99. aisle
100. alert
101. allow
102. alter
103. ample
104. amuse
105. annoy
106. apply
107. argue
108. arise
109. asset
110. avoid
111. aware
112. awful
113. blame
114. boast
115. boost
116. brave
117. breed
118. brief
119. burst
120. carve
121. cease
122. charm
123. chase
124. cheat
125. claim
126. cling
127. crawl
128. crude
129. cruel
130. decay
131. draft
132. drain
133. drown
134. eager
135. equip
136. exert
137. exist
138. faint
139. faith
140. false
141. favor
142. fetch
143. focus
144. force
145. found
146. frown
147. grant
148. grasp
149. grave
150. greet
151. grief
152. gross
153. habit
154. harsh
155. honor
156. ideal
157. imply
158. infer
159. judge
160. legal
161. logic
162. mercy
163. moral
164. mount
165. naked
166. noble
167. occur
168. offer
169. orbit
170. phase
171. plain
172. prime
173. probe
174. prove
175. range
176. react
177. realm
178. refer
179. rough
180. rumor
181. seize
182. share
183. sheer
184. solid
185. spill
186. split
187. spoil
188. stare
189. stiff
190. stock
191. strip
192. stuff
193. swear
194. swell
195. tempt
196. toxic
197. trace
198. track
199. trade
200. trail
201. trait
202. treat
203. trend
204. tribe
205. trust
206. unite
207. upset
208. usage
209. utter
210. vague
211. valid
212. value
213. vital
214. vivid
215. weave
216. worth
217. wound
218. absorb
219. absurd
220. access
221. accuse
222. adjust
223. admire
224. affect
225. afford
226. annual
227. appeal
228. arouse
229. aspect
230. assert
231. assess
232. assign
233. assure
234. attach
235. attain
236. betray
237. bother
238. budget
239. burden
240. cattle
241. census
242. client
243. commit
244. common
245. compel
246. convey
247. crisis
248. custom
249. debate
250. decade
251. decent
252. decide
253. defeat
254. defect
255. defend
256. define
257. demand
258. depend
259. derive
260. desire
261. detail
262. detect
263. device
264. devote
265. effect
266. emerge
267. employ
268. enable
269. endure
270. enroll
271. ensure
272. entire
273. estate
274. ethnic
275. exceed
276. exotic
277. expand
278. expose
279. extend
280. fabric
281. fierce
282. fluent
283. forbid
284. foster
285. freeze
286. gender
287. glance
288. guilty
289. handle
290. hazard
291. humble
292. ignore
293. immune
294. import
295. impose
296. income
297. innate
298. insert
299. insist
300. insult
301. intend
302. invade
303. invest
304. launch
305. likely
306. locate
307. luxury
308. mammal
309. manual
310. mature
311. medium
312. mental
313. method
314. mobile
315. modify
316. motive
317. mutual
318. native
319. notice
320. notion
321. obtain
322. occupy
323. offend
324. oppose
325. origin
326. output
327. patent
328. permit
329. plague
330. plunge
331. praise
332. prefer
333. profit
334. prompt
335. proper
336. punish
337. pursue
338. random
339. recall
340. recipe
341. recite
342. reduce
343. reform
344. refuse
345. regard
346. region
347. regret
348. reject
349. remark
350. remedy
351. remind
352. remote
353. remove
354. render
355. repair
356. resign
357. resist
358. resort
359. resume
360. retain
361. retire
362. reveal
363. review
364. revise
365. revive
366. reward
367. ritual
368. sacred
369. script
370. search
371. severe
372. shrink
373. slight
374. spread
375. stable
376. starve
377. static
378. status
379. steady
380. strain
381. stress
382. strict
383. subtle
384. suffer
385. supply
386. survey
387. tackle
388. theory
389. thrive
390. tissue
391. urgent
392. vanish
393. verbal
394. victim
395. virtue
396. wander
397. wealth
398. wonder
399. abandon
400. abolish
401. achieve
402. acquire
403. advance
404. anxious
405. approve
406. arrange
407. ashamed
408. attempt
409. attract
410. awkward
411. benefit
412. capable
413. capture
414. caution
415. chronic
416. clarify
417. combine
418. commute
419. compare
420. compete
421. complex
422. compose
423. concept
424. condemn
425. confess
426. confine
427. confirm
428. conform
429. confuse
430. connect
431. conquer
432. consist
433. consult
434. consume
435. contain
436. contend
437. context
438. convert
439. correct
440. council
441. courage
442. crucial
443. curious
444. current
445. deceive
446. declare
447. delight
448. deliver
449. deprive
450. deserve
451. despair
452. despite
453. destroy
454. dictate
455. dignity
456. display
457. dispute
458. disrupt
459. disturb
460. divorce
461. drought
462. economy
463. element
464. embrace
465. emotion
466. enclose
467. enforce
468. enhance
469. erosion
470. examine
471. exhibit
472. exploit
473. explore
474. express
475. extract
476. faculty
477. fatigue
478. feature
479. federal
480. fertile
481. forgive
482. fragile
483. fulfill
484. funeral
485. furious
486. genuine
487. glimpse
488. gravity
489. grocery
490. habitat
491. harvest
492. hostile
493. imitate
494. improve
495. impulse
496. include
497. inherit
498. initial
499. insight
500. inspire
501. intense
502. jealous
503. justice
504. mankind
505. mention
506. neglect
507. neutral
508. nuclear
509. nurture
510. obscure
511. obvious
512. operate
513. outcome
514. outlook
515. overall
516. paradox
517. patient
518. pension
519. perform
520. persist
521. portion
522. portray
523. possess
524. precede
525. predict
526. premise
527. prepare
528. pretend
529. prevail
530. prevent
531. proceed
532. produce
533. promote
534. propose
535. protest
536. proverb
537. publish
538. qualify
539. realize
540. recover
541. reflect
542. refrain
543. release
544. replace
545. require
546. resolve
547. respond
548. restore
549. retreat
550. revenue
551. reverse
552. routine
553. scatter
554. session
555. shallow
556. shelter
557. similar
558. sincere
559. species
560. squeeze
561. startle
562. stumble
563. suggest
564. suppose
565. surface
566. survive
567. suspect
568. suspend
569. sustain
570. symptom
571. tragedy
572. trigger
573. triumph
574. trivial
575. typical
576. undergo
577. various
578. venture
579. violate
580. welfare
581. whereas
582. whisper
583. willing
584. witness
585. worship
586. abundant
587. accurate
588. adequate
589. advocate
590. affluent
591. ambition
592. ancestor
593. appetite
594. approach
595. assemble
596. attitude
597. audience
598. capacity
599. category
600. chemical
601. classify
602. collapse
603. complain
604. complete
605. compound
606. comprise
607. conceive
608. conclude
609. conflict
610. confront
611. consider
612. contract
613. contrary
614. contrast
615. convince
616. dedicate
617. delicate
618. describe
619. dialogue
620. disaster
621. displace
622. dissolve
623. distract
624. distress
625. district
626. domestic
627. dominate
628. enormous
629. estimate
630. evaluate
631. evidence
632. exchange
633. explicit
634. facility
635. familiar
636. flexible
637. flourish
638. forecast
639. frighten
640. function
641. generate
642. generous
643. grateful
644. hesitate
645. identify
646. illusion
647. incident
648. increase
649. indicate
650. industry
651. infinite
652. instance
653. instinct
654. internal
655. intimate
656. irritate
657. material
658. medieval
659. military
660. minister
661. moderate
662. moisture
663. molecule
664. numerous
665. obstacle
666. occasion
667. overcome
668. overlook
669. peculiar
670. perceive
671. persuade
672. physical
673. positive
674. postpone
675. precious
676. preserve
677. prestige
678. previous
679. profound
680. progress
681. prohibit
682. prospect
683. province
684. purchase
685. quantity
686. rational
687. register
688. regulate
689. relevant
690. religion
691. research
692. resemble
693. resident
694. resource
695. restrain
696. restrict
697. retrieve
698. somewhat
699. specific
700. strategy
701. struggle
702. stubborn
703. superior
704. suppress
705. surround
706. sympathy
707. tolerate
708. transfer
709. transmit
710. ultimate
711. vigorous
712. withdraw
713. accompany
714. advantage
715. ambiguous
716. anonymous
717. apologize
718. arbitrary
719. associate
720. attribute
721. available
722. biography
723. brilliant
724. calculate
725. candidate
726. celebrate
727. colleague
728. component
729. conscious
730. criticize
731. cultivate
732. designate
733. determine
734. dimension
735. efficient
736. elaborate
737. eliminate
738. embarrass
739. emergency
740. emphasize
741. encounter
742. encourage
743. entertain
744. essential
745. establish
746. fascinate
747. financial
748. frustrate
749. geography
750. guarantee
751. incentive
752. influence
753. insurance
754. interfere
755. interpret
756. interrupt
757. landscape
758. narrative
759. negotiate
760. permanent
761. physician
762. political
763. potential
764. prejudice
765. primitive
766. principal
767. principle
768. privilege
769. prominent
770. pronounce
771. radiation
772. recession
773. recognize
774. recommend
775. reinforce
776. reluctant
777. represent
778. reproduce
779. sacrifice
780. sculpture
781. skeptical
782. speculate
783. stimulate
784. structure
785. substance
786. surrender
787. temporary
788. territory
789. transform
790. translate
791. undermine
792. undertake
793. withstand
794. accomplish
795. accumulate
796. aggressive
797. anticipate
798. artificial
799. atmosphere
800. compensate
801. compliment
802. comprehend
803. compulsory
804. conference
805. confidence
806. conscience
807. contradict
808. contribute
809. correspond
810. disappoint
811. distribute
812. equivalent
813. eventually
814. exaggerate
815. expedition
816. experiment
817. hypothesis
818. illustrate
819. incredible
820. indigenous
821. individual
822. inevitable
823. ingredient
824. innovation
825. instrument
826. irrigation
827. legitimate
828. linguistic
829. manipulate
830. optimistic
831. particular
832. phenomenon
833. philosophy
834. proportion
835. reputation
836. ridiculous
837. specialize
838. statistics
839. substitute
840. sufficient
841. tremendous
842. vulnerable
843. acknowledge
844. agriculture
845. appropriate
846. concentrate
847. consequence
848. contemplate
849. corporation
850. counterpart
851. demonstrate
852. distinguish
853. environment
854. fundamental
855. independent
856. indifferent
857. institution
858. investigate
859. magnificent
860. manufacture
861. masterpiece
862. opportunity
863. outstanding
864. participate
865. perspective
866. significant
867. spontaneous
868. superficial
869. transparent
870. acquaintance
871. architecture
872. circumstance
873. conservation
874. contemporary
875. nevertheless
876. superstition
877. extraordinary
878. indispensable
879. sophisticated
880. administration
881. discrimination











つまり、中学の主要な教科書であるNEW HORIZONとNEW CROWNに載っている単語を基礎単語とみなし、それらの単語は除外することで、(ある程度は)簡単な単語は省くことができます。








1. bob
2. bug
3. hay
4. pin
5. wed
6. doom
7. emit
8. flap
9. flip
10. gear
11. grid
12. grip
13. hive
14. loan
15. mall
16. mark
17. maze
18. mill
19. mode
20. monk
21. mood
22. numb
23. plug
24. reef
25. seal
26. shun
27. slip
28. tone
29. agent
30. basin
31. blade
32. cater
33. click
34. curve
35. elite
36. exact
37. excel
38. exile
39. expel
40. flush
41. forge
42. greed
43. guard
44. haven
45. index
46. input
47. joint
48. liver
49. model
50. motor
51. mummy
52. nerve
53. panel
54. panic
55. pitch
56. renew
57. route
58. royal
59. skull
60. spark
61. spray
62. stack
63. stall
64. stray
65. swing
66. tweet
67. verse
68. abrupt
69. actual
70. allege
71. arctic
72. ascend
73. aspire
74. awaken
75. barrel
76. bureau
77. cereal
78. clinic
79. cortex
80. county
81. devine
82. entail
83. errand
84. esteem
85. excess
86. export
87. filter
88. format
89. govern
90. inject
91. lawyer
92. league
93. makeup
94. marine
95. mortal
96. motion
97. offset
98. orient
99. outfit
100. phrase
101. pollen
102. refuge
103. regain
104. shield
105. sneeze
106. sprawl
107. tablet
108. target
109. update
110. vendor
111. versus
112. visual
113. worsen
114. allergy
115. antique
116. archive
117. chamber
118. channel
119. classic
120. comfort
121. compute
122. concern
123. convict
124. cynical
125. digital
126. dilemma
127. dynamic
128. eclipse
129. embassy
130. fallacy
131. furnish
132. gallery
133. gradual
134. instant
135. justify
136. license
137. literal
138. mineral
139. mixture
140. ongoing
141. outline
142. overlap
143. placebo
144. prairie
145. prosper
146. refresh
147. scenery
148. sibling
149. slavery
150. terrify
151. thermal
152. unknown
153. vaccine
154. violent
155. virtual
156. zealous
157. acoustic
158. attorney
159. commence
160. cosmetic
161. diagnose
162. dispatch
163. doctrine
164. eligible
165. geometry
166. glossary
167. holistic
168. implicit
169. inferior
170. intrigue
171. landmine
172. literary
173. mortgage
174. nonsense
175. obsolete
176. platform
177. presence
178. probable
179. scenario
180. simulate
181. solitude
182. symmetry
183. wireless
184. algorithm
185. alternate
186. constrain
187. costitute
188. empirical
189. extrovert
190. formation
191. guideline
192. immediate
193. inability
194. infection
195. inflation
196. intellect
197. intervene
198. librarian
199. longevity
200. masculine
201. millenium
202. overwhelm
203. paralysis
204. plausible
205. preoccupy
206. recipient
207. signature
208. spiritual
209. sweatshop
210. synthesis
211. voluntary
212. aboriginal
213. accidental
214. antibiotic
215. compassion
216. complicate
217. congestion
218. contagious
219. depression
220. harassment
221. internship
222. mainstream
223. meaningful
224. ubiquitous
225. unpleasant
226. vocational
227. worthwhile
228. approximate
229. archaeology
230. collaborate
231. controversy
232. correlation
233. fingerprint
234. immigration
235. merchandise
236. pessimistic
237. anthropology
238. disadvantage
239. insufficient
240. intelligible
241. intermediate
242. neighborhood
243. enlightenment


1. ash
2. bay
3. lap
4. nor
5. per
6. rag
7. sin
8. aged
9. clap
10. deed
11. dust
12. junk
13. lane
14. lest
15. lord
16. lump
17. mate
18. navy
19. odds
20. plow
21. poke
22. reap
23. risk
24. vein
25. worm
26. array
27. bride
28. bunch
29. cargo
30. chore
31. digit
32. merry
33. midst
34. onset
35. ought
36. owing
37. peril
38. prose
39. saint
40. scorn
41. stalk
42. sword
43. adhere
44. affirm
45. brutal
46. carbon
47. cosmos
48. doomed
49. hatred
50. ladder
51. misery
52. murmur
53. palace
54. pierce
55. potent
56. preach
57. rotten
58. spinal
59. summit
60. undone
61. unlike
62. utmost
63. wicked
64. anatomy
65. applaud
66. beneath
67. burglar
68. chapter
69. degrade
70. density
71. eminent
72. finding
73. flatter
74. germent
75. haunted
76. immerse
77. inflict
78. jewelry
79. leather
80. lottery
81. monarch
82. novelty
83. peasant
84. pioneer
85. private
86. prophet
87. rejoice
88. segment
89. shatter
90. slender
91. tension
92. testify
93. tourism
94. utterly
95. vending
96. wrecked
97. activist
98. artifact
99. blessing
100. botanist
101. bullying
102. clinical
103. creature
104. detached
105. distance
106. eruption
107. evacuate
108. floating
109. gigantic
110. helpless
111. involved
112. isolated
113. majority
114. oriented
115. outraged
116. parasite
117. proclaim
118. restless
119. scarcely
120. splendid
121. stranger
122. striking
123. terrific
124. thrilled
125. alcoholic
126. allowance
127. amendment
128. antiquity
129. apparatus
130. appliance
131. bilingual
132. countless
133. explosion
134. imaginary
135. instantly
136. integrity
137. intricate
138. lightning
139. mandatory
140. mechanism
141. overnight
142. paralyzed
143. petroleum
144. precisely
145. promising
146. publicity
147. seemingly
148. statesman
149. youngster
150. accustomed
151. appearance
152. autonomous
153. bureaucrat
154. constraint
155. conversely
156. diplomatic
157. disability
158. ecological
159. extinguish
160. geological
161. impression
162. precaution
163. refreshing
164. skyscraper
165. subjective
166. subscriber
167. throughout
168. up-to-date
169. vegetation
170. accordingly
171. advertising
172. antibiotics
173. enlightened
174. innumerable
175. millionaire
176. preoccupied
177. proficiency
178. respectable
179. respiratory
180. shortcoming
181. temperament
182. ultraviolet
183. accidentally
184. constitution
185. inflammation
186. intervention
187. kindergarten
188. occasionally
189. recollection
190. surveillance
191. comprehensive
192. predominantly
193. responsibility


1. chin
2. grim
3. heap
4. toil
5. ankle
6. blush
7. bound
8. brick
9. evade
10. proof
11. quota
12. risky
13. scale
14. serve
15. sniff
16. wreck
17. barren
18. breast
19. coward
20. detach
21. dismay
22. fasten
23. feudal
24. indeed
25. kitten
26. lessen
27. marked
28. mentor
29. meteor
30. partly
31. ponder
32. solemn
33. vision
34. vulgar
35. ability
36. animate
37. biology
38. chuckle
39. collide
40. diploma
41. evident
42. journal
43. perfume
44. perplex
45. primary
46. promise
47. applause
48. basement
49. bewilder
50. definite
51. diplomat
52. disposal
53. electric
54. fabulous
55. farewell
56. forehead
57. mosquito
58. ornament
59. overwork
60. paralyze
61. sanction
62. singular
63. tiresome
64. brand-new
65. circulate
66. concerned
67. detergent
68. dormitory
69. duplicate
70. energetic
71. evaporate
72. excursion
73. fluctuate
74. identical
75. isolation
76. itinerary
77. prototype
78. slaughter
79. subscribe
80. talkative
81. testimony
82. warehouse
83. articulate
84. distortion
85. ironically
86. obligation
87. respective
88. bureaucracy
89. imaginative
90. persecution
91. scholarship
92. according to
93. refrigerator
94. simultaneous
95. veterinarian
96. accommodation
97. vending machine


1. dig
2. lie
3. lie
4. mad
5. mar
6. army
7. bald
8. bang
9. blow
10. boil
11. cave
12. flat
13. form
14. goat
15. palm
16. pant
17. purr
18. sail
19. tilt
20. wise
21. aside
22. chief
23. coast
24. crazy
25. error
26. fatal
27. media
28. newly
29. shore
30. smart
31. absent
32. amazed
33. avenue
34. copper
35. cosmic
36. costly
37. fairly
38. formal
39. gifted
40. global
41. laptop
42. length
43. normal
44. overly
45. rarely
46. rather
47. strand
48. stride
49. analyze
50. average
51. baggage
52. boredom
53. coexist
54. descent
55. dioxide
56. dislike
57. edition
58. elegant
59. empower
60. engaged
61. ethical
62. halfway
63. handful
64. harmony
65. incline
66. loyalty
67. migrant
68. pollute
69. postwar
70. regular
71. related
72. soldier
73. sparrow
74. surgeon
75. swiftly
76. totally
77. athletic
78. bacteria
79. cautious
80. criminal
81. currency
82. donation
83. election
84. emigrate
85. envision
86. foremost
87. hydrogen
88. identity
89. nowadays
90. opposite
91. parental
92. provided
93. rainfall
94. software
95. subtract
96. volcanic
97. whenever
98. wherever
99. adulthood
100. correlate
101. editorial
102. elsewhere
103. fisherman
104. formulate
105. fortunate
106. gratitude
107. intuitive
108. invisible
109. memorable
110. metabolic
111. numerical
112. pollinate
113. preschool
114. prolonged
115. viewpoint
116. willpower
117. astronomer
118. beforehand
119. commercial
120. conviction
121. fair-trade
122. greenhouse
123. horizontal
124. imperative
125. invariably
126. mysterious
127. nationwide
128. unreliable
129. veterinary
130. application
131. centenarian
132. commonplace
133. devastating
134. furthermore
135. grammatical
136. handicapped
137. industrious
138. ineffective
139. inexpensive
140. meaningless
141. paleolithic
142. problematic
143. standardize
144. unavoidable
145. uncertainty
146. underground
147. catastrophic
148. enthusiastic
149. geographical
150. overestimate
151. psychologist
152. unacceptable
153. unexpectedly
154. autobiography
155. interpersonal
156. old-fashioned
157. socioeconomic
158. unpredictable
159. cellular phone
160. pharmaceutical
161. representative
162. scientifically
163. misunderstanding












総単語数が少ない点を考慮すれば、 ほぼ同水準の結果となりました。














1. entire
2. ratio
3. political
4. liberal
5. regulate
6. limit
7. intend
8. mental
9. task
10. whereas
11. aim
12. decade
13. demonstrate
14. publish
15. retain
16. ensure
17. fund
18. celebrate
19. dim
20. layer
21. economy
22. available
23. cell
24. capacity
25. core
26. crime
27. visual
28. consist
29. rely
30. rear
31. income
32. statement
33. adopt
34. immediate
35. associate
36. industry
37. protein
38. structure
39. determine
40. guideline
41. mutual
42. sincere
43. update
44. resist
45. instant
46. adolescent
47. value
48. acknowledge
49. reward
50. effect
51. option
52. myth
53. despite
54. superior
55. struggle
56. elite
57. ritual
58. rebel
59. emotion
60. cognitive
61. term
62. tempt
63. manipulate
64. repeat
65. snap
66. enhance
67. shame
68. disturb
69. accord
70. sensitive
71. approach
72. suffer
73. privilege
74. target
75. masterpiece
76. unite
77. scenario
78. avoid
79. execute
80. abandon
81. emerge
82. slight
83. potential
84. metaphor
85. acquire
86. consequence
87. enterprise
88. conclude
89. channel
90. unknown
91. frame
92. prevail
93. benefit
94. equivalent
95. assemble
96. conflict
97. sort
98. phenomenon
99. entertain
100. priest
101. appeal
102. mess
103. conduct
104. workforce
105. instinct
106. conscious
107. magnetic
108. reveal
109. biological
110. strategy
111. advise
112. pledge
113. likely
114. respond
115. generate
116. threat
117. classic
118. attempt
119. routine
120. predator
121. essential
122. tend
123. crisis
124. allow
125. undermine
126. profound
127. neuron
128. motor
129. rank
130. claim
131. overcome
132. sector
133. impact
134. emit
135. conquer
136. financial
137. devote
138. usage
139. mark
140. evaluate
141. replace
142. vital
143. authority
144. expense
145. narrative
146. portray
147. pile
148. route
149. obvious
150. expand
151. afford
152. actual
153. warn
154. manual
155. independent
156. grant
157. mention
158. require
159. succeed
160. recent
161. dynamic
162. component
163. model
164. minimum
165. glimpse
166. interfere
167. involve
168. collapse
169. desire
170. behave
171. tablet
172. dominate
173. deprive
174. exist
175. source
176. advantage
177. highlight
178. induce
179. predict
180. impair
181. complete
182. construct
183. peer
184. mature
185. interval
186. interrupt
187. force
188. certain
189. individual
190. neutral
191. prevent
192. flexible
193. bind
194. restrict
195. military
196. aspect
197. previous
198. empathy
199. habit
200. accomplish
201. immigration
202. basis


1. pledge
2. capacity
3. warn
4. interval
5. entertain
6. risk
7. value
8. metaphor
9. suffer
10. mature
11. individual
12. conflict
13. myth
14. peer
15. acknowledge
16. advantage
17. rebel
18. demonstrate
19. extent
20. deprive
21. exist
22. previous
23. expect
24. junk
25. accordingly
26. alike
27. equivalent
28. determine
29. rely
30. recent
31. complete
32. allow
33. celebrate
34. acquire
35. ratio
36. rate
37. talent
38. strategy
39. interfere
40. snap
41. adolescent
42. regulate
43. whether
44. enhance
45. advise
46. misleading
47. associate
48. purpose
49. sensitive
50. imaginary
51. portray
52. likely
53. tempt
54. sincere
55. dim
56. aged
57. rank
58. hardly
59. evaluate
60. responsibility
61. liberal
62. brutal
63. available
64. aim
65. instantly
66. respond
67. manipulate
68. minimum
69. necessarily
70. furniture
71. distance
72. impair
73. striking
74. tend
75. accomplish
76. resist
77. statement
78. approach
79. glimpse
80. grant
81. pile
82. frame
83. largely
84. claim
85. novelty
86. generate
87. ensure
88. usage
89. unite
90. structure
91. potential
92. force
93. whereas
94. emotion
95. profound
96. slight
97. reward
98. racial
99. consist
100. undermine
101. equation
102. neutral
103. assemble
104. avoid
105. afford
106. effect
107. extremely
108. accord
109. impact
110. privilege
111. crime
112. mess
113. industry
114. mental
115. reveal
116. narrative
117. priest
118. publish
119. aspect
120. habit
121. chapter
122. expand
123. adopt
124. income
125. bind
126. benefit
127. per
128. crisis
129. neuron
130. flexible
131. induce
132. essential
133. finding
134. financial
135. political
136. enterprise
137. consequence
138. source
139. component
140. conquer
141. wage
142. conscious
143. economy
144. poverty
145. ritual
146. execute
147. routine
148. appeal
149. prosperity
150. overcome
151. desire
152. throughout
153. phenomenon
154. require
155. restrict
156. conclude
157. mention
158. predator
159. independent
160. replace
161. protein
162. biological
163. lazy
164. masterpiece
165. core
166. intend
167. emerge
168. military
169. stranger
170. unless
171. evolution
172. dozen
173. predict
174. mutual
175. devote
176. prevail
177. prevent
178. attempt
179. retain
180. private
181. male
182. communist
183. abandon
184. fund
185. dominate
186. interaction
187. excessive
188. entire
189. obvious
190. struggle
191. collapse
192. layer
193. mistake
194. instinct
195. disturb
196. task
197. empathy
198. huge
199. option
200. superior
201. ambassador
202. cooperate
203. decade
204. cognitive
205. advertising
206. interrupt
207. despite
208. cell
209. basis
210. appointment
211. majority
212. manual
213. vital


1. interaction
2. term
3. concerned
4. consequence
5. emerge
6. income
7. ritual
8. conclude
9. mention
10. bind
11. ensure
12. replace
13. despite
14. mistake
15. benefit
16. usage
17. statement
18. complete
19. behave
20. ambassador
21. necessarily
22. predict
23. potential
24. state
25. superior
26. sincere
27. claim
28. force
29. resist
30. previous
31. unite
32. whereas
33. task
34. abandon
35. racial
36. fund
37. poverty
38. female
39. require
40. structure
41. succeed
42. slight
43. military
44. available
45. impair
46. aspect
47. cooperate
48. expense
49. vital
50. attempt
51. purpose
52. reveal
53. mental
54. detach
55. rate
56. acknowledge
57. vision
58. prosperity
59. privilege
60. portray
61. entertain
62. capacity
63. financial
64. profound
65. reward
66. appointment
67. option
68. regulate
69. strategy
70. mess
71. warn
72. value
73. suffer
74. undermine
75. evaluate
76. authority
77. dim
78. economy
79. appeal
80. conscious
81. generate
82. furniture
83. enhance
84. extent
85. liberty
86. evolution
87. highlight
88. conduct
89. deprive
90. lazy
91. fix
92. essential
93. interrupt
94. pile
95. involve
96. grant
97. misleading
98. adopt
99. struggle
100. mutual
101. tempt
102. execute
103. adolescent
104. dozen
105. decade
106. expand
107. shame
108. overcome
109. interfere
110. effect
111. masterpiece
112. expect
113. individual
114. associate
115. afford
116. huge
117. peer
118. acquire
119. myth
120. assemble
121. basis
122. communist
123. crisis
124. independent
125. accomplish
126. critical
127. manual
128. largely
129. instinct
130. advise
131. manipulate
132. restrict
133. determine
134. wage
135. obvious
136. conflict
137. prevent
138. intend
139. priest
140. desire
141. devote
142. consist
143. advantage
144. disturb
145. industry
146. entire
147. likely
148. certain
149. limit
150. narrative
151. prevail
152. phenomenon
153. routine
154. habit
155. indeed
156. promise
157. demonstrate
158. allow
159. impact
160. journal
161. talent
162. avoid
163. rebel
164. memorize
165. collapse
166. crime
167. glimpse
168. neutral
169. emotion
170. sort
171. flexible
172. equivalent
173. retain
174. layer
175. respond
176. enterprise
177. conquer
178. tend
179. aim
180. rely
181. alike
182. extremely
183. dominate
184. hardly
185. mature
186. component
187. celebrate
188. political
189. exist
190. publish
191. approach
192. cell


1. threat
2. grant
3. purpose
4. female
5. expect
6. restrict
7. authority
8. biological
9. vital
10. snap
11. political
12. mature
13. deprive
14. disturb
15. aim
16. claim
17. critical
18. incline
19. replace
20. furniture
21. whereas
22. problematic
23. conflict
24. involve
25. value
26. dozen
27. extent
28. resist
29. fund
30. core
31. ambassador
32. male
33. mistake
34. evaluate
35. accord
36. tend
37. fix
38. require
39. enhance
40. overly
41. cell
42. routine
43. retain
44. expense
45. predator
46. neutral
47. entertain
48. predict
49. global
50. component
51. liberty
52. acknowledge
53. metaphor
54. parental
55. emotion
56. despite
57. certain
58. associate
59. lazy
60. normal
61. industry
62. mutual
63. magnetic
64. interrupt
65. source
66. military
67. approach
68. assemble
69. liberal
70. unless
71. force
72. rear
73. interfere
74. rather
75. masterpiece
76. emerge
77. aspect
78. sincere
79. equation
80. behave
81. reward
82. potential
83. sort
84. complete
85. intuitive
86. mental
87. limit
88. effect
89. succeed
90. necessarily
91. collapse
92. warn
93. entire
94. glimpse
95. form
96. bind
97. construct
98. frame
99. usage
100. decade
101. intend
102. economy
103. demonstrate
104. structure
105. workforce
106. rate
107. flexible
108. mention
109. prosperity
110. induce
111. state
112. regulate
113. term
114. dim
115. whether
116. sensitive
117. adopt
118. abandon
119. determine
120. financial
121. consequence
122. celebrate
123. unite
124. pile
125. devote
126. appointment
127. superior
128. respond
129. advantage
130. repeat
131. suffer
132. application
133. hardly
134. regular
135. publish
136. accomplish
137. portray
138. acquire
139. privilege
140. equivalent
141. available
142. consist
143. avoid
144. peer
145. memorize
146. talent
147. slight
148. instinct
149. allow
150. conduct
151. habit
152. adulthood
153. sector
154. manual
155. conclude
156. obvious
157. generate
158. conquer
159. huge
160. profound
161. reveal
162. ensure
163. struggle
164. lie
165. protein
166. poverty
167. conscious
168. essential
169. narrative
170. desire
171. individual
172. rely
173. identity
174. dominate
175. previous
176. attempt
177. cognitive
178. benefit
179. ritual
180. independent
181. crisis
182. overcome
183. capacity
184. income
185. myth
186. exist
187. likely
188. expand
189. manipulate
190. strategy
191. phenomenon
192. appeal
193. prevent
194. prevail
195. afford
196. undermine
197. psychologist
198. excessive
199. tempt
200. whenever















なお明らかにレベル差を感じとれるターゲット1200とLEAP Basicは対象から外します





























単語帳 難単語 基礎単語 解説・その他
ターゲット1900 5 out of 5 stars 3 out of 5 stars


4 out of 5 stars
システム英単語 5 out of 5 stars 3 out of 5 stars


4 out of 5 stars


LEAP 4 out of 5 stars

4 out of 5 stars


4.5 out of 5 stars
コーパス4500 4 out of 5 stars

4 out of 5 stars


2.5 out of 5 stars

















-単語帳レビュー, 高校生, 高校英語

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