

プログラミング 中学生 中学英語

New HorizonとNew Crownの収録単語をプログラミングで比較してみた









というわけで今回は、中学生向けの英語教科書の中で採択率トップ2に君臨する「New Horizon(ニューホライズン)」と「New Crown(ニュークラウン)」の単語比較をしていきましょう。







太字でない単語の場合でも、もちろん覚えて欲しいものがほとんどなのは間違いありません。しかし中には、その教科書特有の話題だから出てきた単語も含まれます。例えばNew Horizonだったら中1のユニット2、フィリピンを国名の表す”the Philippines”、New Crownだったら中1のレッスン1、音楽ジャンルの”hip-hop”が出てきます。







先程述べたような太字も、そうでない単語も、索引ページに載っているなら全て含めました。それは、2語以上で1つの名詞の塊を作るものも含みます(“convenience store”「コンビニエンスストア」など)


また、索引ページに載っていないような発展的な単語(New Horizonなら”tool box”、New Crownなら”word bank”に出てくる単語)はリストアップしていません。ただし索引ページに載っているものなら、人名だろうが地名だろうが全て含んだと考えてください。(実際人名などは単語として覚える必要はありませんが、覚えておいて損はないです。)



New Horizonは1876単語、New Crownは2148単語になります。ちなみにNew Horizonには中学で習うものとは別で、「小学校で習う単語」のコーナーもありますが、今回はそれも含めました。(さらに小・中で被ったものは除外済み)

この数を見ていただければわかるのですが、New Crownの方が多いんですね。去年まで私の地区ではNew Crown、今年度の新しい教育課程からNew Horizonを使い始めたのですが、そこまで単語の種類に差がある認識はなかったので、この結果は意外でした。


New HorizonとNew Crownの共通項







New Horizon(1876単語)とNew Crown(2148単語)どちらにも共通して載っている単語の数は、、、





1. a(an)
2. about
3. above
4. abroad
5. accept
6. accident
7. according
8. across
9. act
10. action
11. active
12. activity
13. actor
14. actually
15. advice
16. afraid
17. after
18. afternoon
19. again
20. against
21. age
22. ago
23. agree
24. AI
25. airplane
26. album
27. all
28. almost
29. alone
30. along
31. already
32. also
33. always
34. am
35. a.m.
36. amazing
37. America
38. American
39. among
40. amusement park
41. and
42. angry
43. animal
44. animated
45. announcement
46. another
47. answer
48. any
49. anyone
50. anything
51. anyway
52. anywhere
53. appear
54. apple
55. April
56. aquarium
57. are
58. area
59. arm
60. around
61. arrest
62. arrive
63. art
64. article
65. artist
66. as
67. Asian
68. ask
69. at
70. ate
71. attach
72. attractive
73. audience
74. August
75. aunt
76. Australia
77. away
78. baby
79. back
80. bad
81. bag
82. ball
83. banana
84. band
85. baseball
86. basketball
87. bat
88. bath
89. bathroom
90. be
91. beautiful
92. beauty
93. became
94. because
95. become
96. bed
97. beef
98. been
99. before
100. began
101. begin
102. beginner
103. beginning
104. behavior
105. behind
106. believe
107. bell
108. below
109. bench
110. best
111. better
112. between
113. bicycle
114. big
115. Big Ben
116. billion
117. bird
118. birthday
119. bitter
120. black
121. block
122. blog
123. blue
124. boat
125. Bob
126. body
127. bomb
128. book
129. bored
130. borrow
131. both
132. bottle
133. bought
134. box
135. boy
136. Brazil
137. bread
138. break
139. breakfast
140. bridge
141. bright
142. bring
143. British
144. brother
145. brought
146. brown
147. brush
148. build
149. building
150. built
151. burn
152. bus
153. busy
154. but
155. buy
156. by
157. cabbage
158. cafe
159. cake
160. calendar
161. California
162. call
163. calligraphy
164. came
165. camp
166. camping
167. can
168. cancer
169. cannot
170. cap
171. car
172. card
173. care
174. careful
175. carrot
176. carry
177. case
178. castle
179. cat
180. catch
181. center
182. century
183. chair
184. change
185. character
186. charge
187. check
188. cheese
189. cherry
190. chicken
191. child
192. children
193. China
194. Chinese
195. chocolate
196. choose
197. city
198. city hall
199. class
200. classmate
201. classroom
202. clean
203. clearly
204. climb
205. climber
206. clock
207. close
208. clothes
209. cloudy
210. club
211. coach
212. coat
213. coffee
214. cold
215. collect
216. college
217. color
218. colorful
219. come
220. comedy
221. comic
222. common
223. communicate
224. company
225. computer
226. concert
227. condition
228. connect
229. content
230. continue
231. control
232. convenience
233. convenience store
234. cook
235. cookie
236. cooking
237. cool
238. corner
239. could
240. count
241. country
242. couple
243. courage
244. course
245. cousin
246. cow
247. create
248. cricket
249. cross
250. crowded
251. cry
252. cultural
253. culture
254. cup
255. curry
256. customer
257. cut
258. cute
259. daily
260. damage
261. dance
262. danger
263. dangerous
264. daughter
265. day
266. dead
267. dear
268. death
269. December
270. decide
271. decision
272. decorate
273. decrease
274. deep
275. delicious
276. delivery
277. depend
278. design
279. desk
280. destroy
281. detail
282. develop
283. dictionary
284. did
285. die
286. difference
287. different
288. difficult
289. dinner
290. dinosaur
291. disappear
292. discover
293. dish
294. dive
295. do
296. doctor
297. does
298. dog
299. dollar
300. done
301. door
302. down
303. drama
304. draw
305. dream
306. drill
307. drink
308. drive
309. driver
310. drop
311. drove
312. drum
313. during
314. each
315. ear
316. early
317. earthquake
318. easily
319. east
320. easy
321. eat
322. effective
323. effort
324. egg
325. eight
326. eighteen
327. eighth
328. eighty
329. either
330. electricity
331. elementary school
332. elephant
333. eleven
334. eleventh
335. else
336. e-mail
337. encourage
338. end
339. endangered
340. energy
341. English
342. enjoy
343. enough
344. environment
345. especially
346. even
347. evening
348. event
349. ever
350. every
351. everyone
352. everything
353. everywhere
354. example
355. exception
356. excited
357. exciting
358. excuse
359. expensive
360. experience
361. explain
362. eye
363. face
364. fact
365. fall
366. family
367. famous
368. fan
369. fan(扇)
370. far
371. farmer
372. fast
373. father
374. favorite
375. feather
376. February
377. feel
378. feeling
379. fell
380. felt
381. festival
382. few
383. fiction
384. field
385. fifteen
386. fifth
387. fifty
388. fight
389. finally
390. find
391. fine
392. finish
393. fire
394. fire fighter
395. fire station
396. firework
397. first
398. fish
399. five
400. floor
401. flower
402. fly
403. focus
404. fold
405. follow
406. food
407. foot
408. football
409. for
410. foreign
411. forest
412. forever
413. forget
414. forty
415. forward
416. found
417. four
418. fourteen
419. fourth
420. free
421. freely
422. Friday
423. friend
424. frog
425. from
426. front
427. fruit
428. full
429. fun
430. funny
431. future
432. game
433. gather
434. gave
435. get
436. gift
437. girl
438. give
439. given
440. glad
441. glass
442. glove
443. go
444. gone
445. good
446. goods
447. got
448. graduation
449. grandfather
450. grandmother
451. great
452. green
453. grew
454. ground
455. group
456. grow
457. guess
458. guest
459. guide
460. guitar
461. gym
462. gymnastics
463. had
464. hair
465. half
466. hall
467. hamburger
468. hand
469. handle
470. happen
471. happy
472. hard
473. has
474. hat
475. have
476. Hawaii
477. he
478. head
479. health
480. hear
481. heard
482. heart
483. heavy
484. held
485. hello
486. help
487. her
488. here
489. heritage
490. hero
491. hers
492. herself
493. hi
494. high
495. high school
496. him
497. himself
498. his
499. history
500. hobby
501. hold
502. hole
503. holiday
504. home
505. homework
506. hope
507. horror
508. horse
509. hospital
510. host
511. hot
512. hotel
513. hour
514. house
515. how
516. however
517. human
518. hundred
519. hungry
520. hunt
521. hurt
522. husband
523. I
524. ice
525. ice cream
526. idea
527. if
528. imagine
529. important
530. improve
531. in
532. include
533. increase
534. India
535. Indian
536. information
537. ink
538. inside
539. instead
540. instruction
541. interest
542. interested
543. interesting
544. international
545. internet
546. interview
547. into
548. introduce
549. invent
550. invention
551. inventor
552. invite
553. is
554. island
555. it
556. Italy
557. its
558. January
559. Japan
560. Japanese
561. jet
562. job
563. jog
564. join
565. judge
566. July
567. jump
568. June
569. junior
570. junior high school
571. just
572. keep
573. kept
574. kick
575. kill
576. kind
577. king
578. kitchen
579. knew
580. knock
581. know
582. known
583. lake
584. land
585. language
586. large
587. last
588. late
589. later
590. law
591. lead
592. leader
593. leaf
594. learn
595. leave
596. left
597. leg
598. less
599. let
600. let’s
601. letter
602. lettuce
603. library
604. life
605. light
606. light(軽い)
607. like
608. line
609. lion
610. list
611. listen
612. liter
613. little
614. live
615. living
616. local
617. London
618. lonely
619. long
620. look
621. lose
622. lost
623. lot
624. love
625. luck
626. lucky
627. lunch
628. made
629. magazine
630. main
631. make
632. man
633. many
634. map
635. marathon
636. March
637. marker
638. marker
639. Martin Luther King, Jr.
640. match
641. math
642. May
643. may
644. maybe
645. me
646. mean
647. meaning
648. meant
649. meat
650. meet
651. melon
652. member
653. memory
654. men
655. menu
656. message
657. met
658. meter
659. middle
660. mine
661. minute
662. mirror
663. miss
664. mom
665. moment
666. Monday
667. money
668. monkey
669. month
670. moral education
671. more
672. morning
673. most
674. mother
675. mountain
676. move
677. movement
678. movie
679. Mr.
680. Ms.
681. Mt.
682. much
683. museum
684. music
685. musician
686. must
687. my
688. myself
689. name
690. national
691. natural
692. nature
693. near
694. necessary
695. need
696. neighbor
697. nervous
698. never
699. new
700. news
701. newspaper
702. New Year’s Day
703. New Zealand
704. next
705. nice
706. night
707. nine
708. nineteen
709. ninety
710. ninth
711. no
712. noodle
713. not
714. note
715. notebook
716. nothing
717. November
718. now
719. number
720. nurse
721. o’clock
722. October
723. of
724. off
725. office
726. often
727. oh
728. oil
729. OK
730. old
731. on
732. once
733. one
734. onion
735. only
736. open
737. operation
738. opinion
739. or
740. orange
741. original
742. originally
743. other
744. our
745. ours
746. out
747. outside
748. over
749. overseas
750. own
751. panda
752. paper
753. pardon
754. parent
755. park
756. parking lot
757. part
758. party
759. pass
760. past
761. pay
762. P.E.
763. peace
764. Peace Memorial Park
765. peaceful
766. pen
767. pencil
768. people
769. perfect
770. perform
771. performance
772. performer
773. period
774. person
775. phone
776. piano
777. pick
778. picnic
779. picture
780. pie
781. piece
782. pink
783. pizza
784. place
785. plan
786. plastic
787. plate
788. play
789. player
790. playground
791. please
792. pleasure
793. p.m.
794. pocket
795. point
796. police
797. police officer
798. police station
799. pond
800. poor
801. pop
802. popular
803. park
804. part
805. positive
806. possible
807. post
808. poster
809. post office
810. pot
811. potato
812. power
813. powerful
814. practice
815. prepare
816. present
817. presentation
818. president
819. pretty
820. print
821. probably
822. problem
823. produce
824. product
825. protect
826. pudding
827. pull
828. put
829. queen
830. question
831. quickly
832. quite
833. quiz
834. rabbit
835. racket
836. radish
837. rain
838. rainbow
839. rainwater
840. rainy
841. ran
842. reach
843. read
844. ready
845. real
846. realize
847. really
848. reason
849. receive
850. recipe
851. red
852. relate
853. relax
854. relay
855. release
856. remember
857. remind
858. remove
859. report
860. research
861. researcher
862. respect
863. rest
864. restaurant
865. restroom
866. result
867. return
868. rice
869. rich
870. ride
871. right
872. rise
873. river
874. rode
875. room
876. rose
877. round
878. row
879. rule
880. run
881. runner
882. rupee
883. (1990)s
884. (名詞)’s
885. sacred
886. sad
887. safe
888. said
889. salad
890. salty
891. same
892. sandwich
893. Saturday
894. save
895. saw
896. say
897. scared
898. school
899. science
900. scientist
901. sea
902. seafood
903. season
904. seaweed
905. second
906. see
907. seem
908. seen
909. select
910. selection
911. sell
912. send
913. sense
914. sent
915. September
916. serious
917. set
918. seven
919. seventeen
920. seventh
921. seventy
922. several
923. shall
924. shape
925. share
926. shaved ice
927. she
928. shirt
929. shoe
930. shop
931. shopping
932. short
933. should
934. show
935. shrine
936. sick
937. side
938. similar
939. simple
940. since
941. sing
942. singer
943. sister
944. sit
945. site
946. six
947. sixteen
948. sixth
949. sixty
950. skate
951. ski
952. skill
953. sky
954. sleep
955. sleepy
956. slow
957. slowly
958. small
959. smile
960. Smith
961. snack
962. snake
963. snow
964. snowy
965. so
966. soccer
967. social studies
968. society
969. soft
970. sold
971. solve
972. some
973. someday
974. someone
975. something
976. sometimes
977. somewhere
978. son
979. song
980. soon
981. sorry
982. sound
983. soup
984. spaghetti
985. speak
986. speaker
987. special
988. species
989. specific
990. speech
991. speed
992. spend
993. spent
994. spoke
995. spoken
996. sport
997. spread
998. spring
999. square
1000. staff
1001. stage
1002. stand
1003. star
1004. start
1005. station
1006. stay
1007. stick
1008. still
1009. stood
1010. stop
1011. store
1012. story
1013. straight
1014. strawberry
1015. street
1016. strong
1017. student
1018. study
1019. subject
1020. successful
1021. such
1022. suddenly
1023. summer
1024. Sunday
1025. sunny
1026. sunrise
1027. support
1028. sure
1029. surfing
1030. surprised
1031. survey
1032. survive
1033. sweet
1034. swim
1035. swimming
1036. Sydney
1037. symbol
1038. table
1039. take
1040. taken
1041. talk
1042. tall
1043. taught
1044. taxi
1045. tea
1046. teach
1047. teacher
1048. team
1049. technology
1050. teeth
1051. tell
1052. temple
1053. ten
1054. tennis
1055. tenth
1056. terrible
1057. textbook
1058. Thailand
1059. than
1060. thank
1061. that
1062. the
1063. theater
1064. their
1065. theirs
1066. them
1067. then
1068. there
1069. these
1070. they
1071. thick
1072. thing
1073. think
1074. third
1075. thirsty
1076. thirteen
1077. thirteenth
1078. thirty
1079. this
1080. those
1081. though
1082. thought
1083. thousand
1084. three
1085. through
1086. throw
1087. Thursday
1088. ticket
1089. tiger
1090. time
1091. tiny
1092. tired
1093. title
1094. to
1095. today
1096. together
1097. told
1098. tomato
1099. tomorrow
1100. too
1101. took
1102. topic
1103. touch
1104. tour
1105. tourist
1106. tournament
1107. towel
1108. tower
1109. town
1110. track and field
1111. tradition
1112. traditional
1113. traffic
1114. train
1115. translate
1116. translator
1117. trash
1118. travel
1119. traveler
1120. tree
1121. trip
1122. trouble
1123. true
1124. trumpet
1125. trust
1126. try
1127. T-shirt
1128. Tuesday
1129. turn
1130. TV
1131. twelfth
1132. twelve
1133. twenty
1134. twice
1135. two
1136. type
1137. the U.K.
1138. umbrella
1139. uncle
1140. under
1141. understand
1142. UNESCO
1143. unfair
1144. unicycle
1145. uniform
1146. unique
1147. university
1148. until
1149. up
1150. us
1151. the U.S.
1152. use
1153. useful
1154. usually
1155. vacation
1156. vegetable
1157. very
1158. vet
1159. video
1160. violin
1161. visit
1162. visitor
1163. voice
1164. volleyball
1165. volunteer
1166. wait
1167. walk
1168. wall
1169. want
1170. war
1171. warm
1172. was
1173. wash
1174. waste
1175. watch
1176. water
1177. way
1178. we
1179. weak
1180. wear
1181. weather
1182. website
1183. Wednesday
1184. week
1185. weekend
1186. welcome
1187. well
1188. went
1189. were
1190. west
1191. what
1192. wheelchair
1193. when
1194. where
1195. which
1196. while
1197. white
1198. who
1199. whose
1200. why
1201. wide
1202. wife
1203. will
1204. win
1205. wind
1206. window
1207. winter
1208. wisdom
1209. wish
1210. with
1211. without
1212. women
1213. women
1214. won
1215. wonder
1216. wonderful
1217. word
1218. work
1219. world
1220. worldwide
1221. worry
1222. would
1223. wow
1224. wrap
1225. write
1226. written
1227. wrote
1228. yeah
1229. year
1230. yellow
1231. yes
1232. yesterday
1233. yet
1234. you
1235. young
1236. your
1237. yours
1238. yourself
1239. zero
1240. zoo

New HorizonとNew Crownの差分



New Horizonのみに載っている単語リスト

1. affect
2. Afghanistan
3. agony
4. Artificial Intelligence
5. air
6. air conditioner
7. Alaska
8. Alaskan
9. alive
10. amaze
11. amount
12. ancient
13. angle
14. animation
15. announce
16. apologize
17. Apple
18. apply
19. apron
20. Arctic
21. artistic
22. athlete
23. athletics
24. attend
25. attracted
26. autumn
27. avocado
28. awesome
29. Azerbaijan
30. backpack
31. badminton
32. Baker
33. ban
34. Barack Obama
35. barrier
36. battery
37. beach
38. bean
39. bear
40. beat
41. berry
42. beside
43. besides
44. beyond
45. bike
46. bill
47. blend
48. blind
49. the Blue Mountains
50. border
51. born
52. -born
53. bother
54. braille
55. brain
56. brass band
57. brave
58. breed
59. the British Museum
60. Brown
61. Bugis
62. bump
63. burden
64. bye
65. camera
66. campaign
67. campground
68. canal
69. candle
70. candy
71. capture
72. carbon dioxide
73. career
74. Career Day
75. carefully
76. caribou
77. Cebu
78. certainly
79. challenge
80. championship
81. Charlie
82. cheap
83. cheer
84. cheetah
85. chef
86. chemical
87. childhood
88. chorus
89. chorus contest
90. circle
91. citizen
92. City Lights
93. clerk
94. climate
95. clock tower
96. cloth
97. cloudless
98. coal
99. coin
100. colony
101. comic book
102. comic storytelling
103. comment
104. conference
105. the Congo
106. consumer
107. contact
108. contest
109. convenient
110. Cook
111. corn
112. corner kick
113. countryside
114. creative
115. crested ibis
116. crowd
117. cruise
118. curious
119. curry and rice
120. cushion
121. custom-made
122. dad
123. dam
124. dancing
125. data
126. date
127. David
128. debate
129. definitely
130. Denmark
131. dentist
132. department store
133. dessert
134. development
135. device
136. Diane
137. directly
138. disabled
139. disagree
140. disaster
141. discrimination
142. diving
143. domestic
144. donate
145. door-to-door
146. dot
147. downtown
148. the Downtown Line
149. earn
150. Earth
151. the East West Line
152. ecosystem
153. effectively
154. Egyptian
155. eighteenth
156. elderly
157. electronic
158. electronic device
159. emergency
160. Emma
161. employee
162. ending
163. envelope
164. era
165. establish
166. ethnic
167. Euan Craig
168. eucalyptus
169. evacuation
170. evacuation drill
171. eventually
172. exchange
173. exhibition
174. extend
175. extinction
176. extinguisher
177. eye contact
178. facility
179. fantastic
180. fast(断食)
181. favor
182. feature
183. feedback
184. Ferris wheel
185. school festival
186. fever
187. science fiction
188. field trip
189. fifteenth
190. Filipino
191. finger
192. first-hand
193. fish and chips
194. follower
195. food mile
196. foolish
197. forgetful
198. fortunately
199. fossil
200. fossil fuel
201. found(を創立する)
202. fourteenth
203. freedom
204. fried chicken
205. fried noodles
206. friendly
207. functional
208. Gandhi
209. garage
210. general
211. glacier
212. globally
213. global warming
214. globe
215. Godzilla
216. golden
217. gondola
218. goodbye
219. goodness
220. gorilla
221. government
222. graduate
223. grand
224. the Grand Canal
225. grandma
226. Grand Slam
227. graph
228. greatly
229. Green
230. green tea
231. growth
232. guest book
233. habitat
234. halo-halo
235. handrail
236. harmoniously
237. headache
238. heat
239. helpful
240. hey
241. homestay
242. Honolulu
243. hopeful
244. horizon
245. host family
246. human rights
247. human being
248. hunting
249. hut
250. Iceland
251. ill
252. illegal
253. illiterate
254. image
255. import
256. independence
257. influence
258. injure
259. inner
260. inspiration
261. interdependent
262. Inuit
263. IUSN
264. jail
265. jar
266. Josh
267. Justin Thyme
268. Kamchatka
269. Kenya
270. kilometer
271. kindness
272. kit
273. kiwi
274. knowledge
275. koala
276. lamp
277. latest
278. leading
279. leaves
280. LED
281. legacy
282. Lily
283. limited
284. link
285. lives
286. locally
287. logging
288. loss
289. luggage
290. lullaby
291. Mac
292. Mahatma
293. Malay
294. mango
295. march
296. the Salt March
297. Margaret
298. market
299. mayor
300. measure
301. mechanical
302. medium
303. Meg
304. the Merlion
305. Merlion Park
306. metal
307. midnight
308. Mike
309. milk
310. mini
311. mini debate
312. mining
313. mist
314. misunderstand
315. mix
316. mixed
317. mommy
318. moreover
319. mouse
320. Mrs.
321. Naples
322. natural gas
323. negative
324. Nelson Mandera
325. netball
326. New Year
327. next door
328. nineteenth
329. nod
330. non-violence
331. non-violent
332. noon
333. nuclear
334. nuclear weapon
335. nuclear power
336. nuclear waste
337. nurse’s office
338. ocean
339. oily
340. omelet
341. oops
342. ordinary
343. outdoor
344. paid
345. painting
346. pants
347. paper crane
348. Paralympic
349. the Paralympic Games
350. parfait
351. percent
352. the Philippines
353. photo
354. photograph
355. photographer
356. pilaf
357. Pixar
358. planet
359. plant
360. plastic bag
361. plastic bottle
362. playful
363. poem
364. poet
365. polar bear
366. pop culture
367. population
368. populous
369. pork
370. pottery
371. powder
372. prepared
373. preserve
374. price
375. professor
376. progress
377. prop
378. protest
379. purple
380. pursue
381. quarter
382. quietly
383. radiation
384. Raffles Place
385. ramp
386. rapidly
387. raw
388. recognize
389. the Red List
390. relation
391. relationship
392. relatively
393. renewable
394. reply
395. reservation
396. resident
397. resource
398. Reyhan Jamalova
399. rhyme
400. rhythm
401. the Rialto Bridge
402. road
403. role
404. roll
405. Ronald Mace
406. rookie
407. rugby
408. safely
409. sale
410. salt
411. satisfy
412. sauce
413. sausage
414. scary
415. scene
416. scuba
417. scuba diving
418. sea level
419. seasonal
420. sentence
421. server
422. seventeenth
423. severe
424. shade
425. shadow
426. skating
427. sheep
428. shelter
429. ship
430. Shishmaref
431. shower
432. shy
433. sidewalk
434. sight
435. simulation
436. Singapore
437. the Singapore Flyer
438. sinigang
439. sink
440. sitting
441. sitting volleyball
442. sixteenth
443. size
444. slide
445. smartphone
446. somehow
447. sour
448. South Africa
449. spice
450. sports day
451. sporty
452. spot
453. stadium
454. stair
455. standard
456. starter
457. stationery
458. the Statue of Liberty
459. steak
460. steal
461. steam
462. Steve Jobs
463. stole
464. stomachache
465. strength
466. strict
467. studio
468. stylish
469. subway
470. sun
471. sunshine
472. super
473. supermarket
474. supply
475. surgery
476. surprise
477. surprise party
478. surprisingly
479. surround
480. survival
481. sustainable
482. sweater
483. syllable
484. Tamil
485. tax
486. tent
487. text
488. themselves
489. thirtieth
490. tightly
491. toast
492. ton
493. toothache
494. tough
495. trade
496. traffic light
497. trail
498. translation
499. transport
500. triathlon
501. trivia
502. Tube
503. tundra
504. twentieth
505. tyrannosaurus
506. umm
507. uncomfortable
508. understood
509. the United States of America
510. universal
511. universal design
512. unused
513. user
514. variety
515. various
516. Venice
517. video game
518. village
519. violence
520. wake
521. water power
522. waterproof
523. wave
524. weapon
525. weekday
526. weigh
527. weight
528. well(井戸)
529. well-known
530. well-off
531. Westminster
532. whale
533. wild
534. wildness
535. Wilson
536. wind power
537. winner
538. woke
539. woman
540. the World Cup
541. World Heritage site
542. worth
543. Woz
544. wrestling
545. writer
546. wrong
547. yogurt
548. archery
549. arts and crafts
550. astronaut
551. baker
552. beefsteak
553. bookstore
554. boots
555. boxing
556. broccoli
557. canoe
558. Children’s Day
559. climbing
560. comedian
561. crayon
562. cucumber
563. cycling
564. diamond
565. dodgeball
566. Dolls’ Festival
567. entrance
568. entrance ceremony
569. eraser
570. figure skater
571. fishing
572. flight attendant
573. florist
574. garbage
575. gas station
576. gentle
577. glue stick
578. graduation ceremony
579. grape
580. green pepper
581. grilled fish
582. hiking
583. home economics
584. jam
585. jogging
586. juice
587. jump rope
588. kiwi fruit
589. knee
590. magnet
591. mineral water
592. mouth
593. mushroom
594. New Year’s Eve
595. nose
596. nut
597. Olympic
598. the Olympics
599. peach
600. pencil case
601. pencil sharpener
602. pig
603. pilot
604. pineapple
605. playing
606. popcorn
607. principal’s office
608. reading
609. recorder
610. rectangle
611. rice ball
612. ruler
613. sailing
614. school trip
615. scissors
616. shorts
617. shoulder
618. Snow Festival
619. soda pop
620. spell
621. spider
622. stapler
623. Star Festival
624. swimming meet
625. table tennis
626. tag
627. telephone
628. toe
629. tooth
630. triangle
631. truck
632. volunteer day
633. watermelon
634. weightlifting
635. yen
636. zookeeper

New Crownのみに載っている単語リスト

1. able
2. academic
3. achieve
4. achievement
5. adapt
6. adaptation
7. add
8. addition
9. adjust
10. adjustment
11. adult
12. adventure
13. advertise
14. African-American
15. Agghhhhhh
16. ah
17. ahead
18. aircraft
19. Alabama
20. Albert Einstein
21. Alice
22. Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland
23. although
24. Amazon
25. amusement
26. Amy
27. Anangu
28. ancestor
29. anime
30. anniversary
31. annoy
32. annual
33. anymore
34. apart
35. apartment
36. app
37. appreciate
38. Arabic
39. argument
40. arrange
41. Arthur Conan Doyle
42. artificial
43. Ash
44. Asia
45. assistant
46. atomic
47. Atomic Bomb Dome
48. attack
49. attendant
50. attention
51. attitude
52. attract
53. Auckland
54. Australian
55. author
56. autograph
57. award
58. awful
59. Ayers Rock
60. Back to the Future
61. bacon
62. bagpipes
63. bake
64. bakery
65. balance
66. balcony
67. ballet
68. bamboo
69. base
70. bass
71. beak
72. Beatles
73. Beatrix Potter
74. beautifully
75. Becky
76. bedroom
77. begun
78. Beijing
79. belong
80. belt
81. Ben E. King
82. Beth
83. beware
84. binder
85. biomimetic
86. biomimetics
87. bit
88. bite
89. bitten
90. blackboard
91. blank
92. blanket
93. blond
94. bloom
95. blossom
96. board
97. boarding
98. bonsai
99. bookshelf
100. boring
101. bottom
102. boycott
103. bravery
104. breath
105. Brian Jones
106. broaden
107. brochure
108. broke
109. broken
110. bur
111. burnt
112. business
113. businessman
114. butterfly
115. button
116. cafeteria
117. Cairns
118. calm
119. camellia
120. can(缶)
121. Captain Tsubasa
122. capybara
123. casually
124. cartoonist
125. catchy
126. caught
127. cause
128. cent
129. centimeter
130. central
131. Central America
132. ceremony
133. chain
134. chamomile
135. chance
136. charity
137. charm
138. chart
139. cheerful
140. Chiang Mai
141. chip
142. choice
143. chopsticks
144. chose
145. chosen
146. Christmas
147. clarify
148. classical
149. cleaner
150. clear
151. clever
152. closed
153. closely
154. clothing
155. cloud
156. clubfoot
157. coaster
158. comb
159. combine
160. comfortable
161. committee
162. commonly
163. communication
164. community
165. compare
166. complain
167. compose
168. conclusion
169. cone
170. confused
171. connection
172. consider
173. consideration
174. contain
175. conversation
176. copy
177. correct
178. cost
179. costume
180. Cotton-tail
181. couch
182. court
183. cover
184. crane
185. cream
186. creamy
187. creativity
188. crisp
189. criteria
190. criterion
191. crop
192. custom
193. cutout
194. Cyndi Lauper
195. dancer
196. dark
197. darkness
198. Darwine
199. David Miller
200. day-at-work program
201. deal
202. dealt
203. deeply
204. deer
205. degree
206. deliver
207. Della
208. depressed
209. descendant
210. describe
211. desert
212. detective
213. dew
214. difficulty
215. dining
216. Dinu
217. direct
218. direction
219. director
220. dirty
221. discount
222. discovery
223. discuss
224. display
225. district
226. diversity
227. doghouse
228. dome
229. double
230. doubt
231. dragon
232. Dragon Ball
233. drank
234. drawing
235. drawn
236. dreamer
237. dress
238. drew
239. dribble
240. drinking
241. drinking fountain
242. driven
243. Dr. King
244. drone
245. drummer
246. drunk
247. duck-life
248. due
249. DVD
250. earth
251. East Asia
252. eaten
253. eco-friendly
254. economics
255. edge
256. Edinburgh
257. education
258. elementary
259. eliminate
260. Emily
261. empty
262. engineer
263. engineering
264. enter
265. entertainer
266. environmental
267. equality
268. equipment
269. erase
270. escape
271. essay
272. etc.
273. Europe
274. everybody
275. everyday
276. evolve
277. exactly
278. exam
279. excellent
280. exercise
281. exhausted
282. exit
283. experiment
284. expert
285. explanation
286. explore
287. explorer
288. expo
289. express
290. fail
291. failure
292. fairy
293. fairy tail
294. fallen
295. familiar
296. fantasy
297. farm
298. farming
299. fascinating
300. fat
301. fee
302. feed
303. feet
304. fence
305. fiber
306. figure
307. file
308. fill
309. film
310. final
311. fine(罰金)
312. fit
313. flag
314. flash
315. flavor
316. flew
317. flight
318. Flopsy
319. flowering
320. flown
321. flute
322. flying
323. fog
324. folk
325. following
326. foreigner
327. forgot
328. forgotten
329. fork
330. fought
331. fountain
332. fox
333. France
334. French
335. frequently
336. fresh
337. friendship
338. frustrated
339. fur
340. further
341. gain
342. garden
343. gate
344. Gaudi
345. gender
346. generally
347. generation
348. genre
349. geographer
350. German
351. giant
352. Giants
353. glider
354. goal
355. Gosh
356. gold
357. gotten
358. grace
359. grade
360. grader
361. gradually
362. grandchild
363. grandchildren
364. grandparent
365. grass
366. grass-roots
367. gray
368. Great East Japan Earthquake
369. greet
370. grown
371. grumpy
372. guidebook
373. guitarist
374. gull
375. half-a-kilometer
376. handout
377. hang
378. happiness
379. harvest
380. hate
381. hawk
382. healthy
383. heartwarming
384. Hello, Goodbye
385. hesitate
386. hid
387. hide
388. hike
389. hiker
390. Hindi
391. hint
392. hip-hop
393. hit
394. hmm
395. hockey
396. homeroom
397. hometown
398. honesty
399. hook
400. hook-and-loop
401. hot chocolate
402. hot spring
403. housing
404. humid
405. humor
406. Humpty Dumpty
407. ideal
408. iguana
409. imagination
410. imitate
411. immediately
412. impossible
413. including
414. injured
415. inn
416. inspire
417. instance
418. instrument
419. intelligence
420. interpreter
421. investigate
422. invitation
423. issue
424. itself
425. Jack
426. Jacob
427. Jane
428. Japan Expo
429. Japanese-style
430. jazz
431. Jenny
432. jewel
433. J.H.S.
434. Jim
435. Jing
436. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
437. joke
438. journey
439. J-pop
440. judo
441. juicy
442. jungle
443. justice
444. kangaroo
445. karaoke
446. karate
447. Kate
448. kettle
449. Kevin
450. key
451. kid
452. kid-sized
453. Kiki’s Delivery Service
454. kilt
455. kimono
456. kingfighter
457. knife
458. Knights of the Zodiac
459. knit
460. lack
461. laid
462. Lake District
463. landscape
464. last(続く)
465. laugh
466. laughter
467. launch
468. laundry
469. lay
470. least
471. led
472. lemon
473. lend
474. Leonard da Vinci
475. lesson
476. Let It Be
477. level
478. Lincoln Memorial
479. Lisa
480. listener
481. literally
482. literature
483. litter
484. Little Prince
485. locate
486. lock
487. loop
488. loud
489. loudly
490. lovely
491. low
492. lower
493. Luvas
494. Lucy Brown
495. Luffy
496. lyric
497. machine
498. magic
499. mainly
500. major
501. manage
502. manager
503. manga
504. manners
505. Marathi
506. Mark
507. marry
508. martial
509. martial arts
510. Mary
511. mascot
512. master
513. matchbox
514. material
515. matter
516. McGregor
517. meal
518. mean(意地悪な)
519. medical
520. medicine
521. meeting
522. Mei
523. melody
524. memorial
525. meow
526. messy
527. method
528. Mexico
529. Micheal Harris
530. mid-1900s
531. might
532. mild
533. mile
534. million
535. mimic
536. mind
537. missing
538. mobile
539. mobile phone
540. modern
541. moist
542. Monet
543. monitor
544. Montgomery
545. moon
546. Mopsy
547. moral
548. mostly
549. Mozart
550. musical
551. mystery
552. namaste
553. narrow
554. nation
555. native
556. naughty
557. nearby
558. nearly
559. neck
560. net
561. New Delhi
562. New York
563. NGO
564. ninja
565. Nobel
566. Nobel Prize
567. nobody
568. noise
569. non-governmental
570. non-Japanese
571. nope
572. north
573. northern
574. North Island
575. notice
576. novel
577. nursery
578. nursery school
579. obey
580. observe
581. octopus
582. offer
583. officer
584. official
585. One Piece
586. online
587. onto
588. oolong
589. opportunity
590. order
591. organic
592. organization
593. organize
594. origin
595. ourselves
596. owl
597. page
598. page(呼び出す)
599. paint
600. painter
601. pajamas
602. parade
603. parking
604. parsley
605. participate
606. particular
607. passenger
608. passion
609. path
610. patient
611. penguin
612. performing arts
613. perhaps
614. permission
615. personal
616. pet
617. Peter
618. Peter Rabbit
619. pianist
620. Picasso
621. pickle
622. pillow
623. pitcher
624. plantation
625. playlist
626. plenty
627. plus
628. poetry
629. pointy
630. poison
631. Pokemon
632. pollution
633. pool
634. Port Liner
635. position
636. postbox
637. pray
638. prefecture
639. premium
640. press
641. pressure
642. prize
643. process
644. professional
645. program
646. programming
647. project
648. proud
649. provide
650. public
651. pu’er
652. pumpkin
653. punish
654. puppy
655. purse
656. push
657. puzzle
658. quality
659. quick
660. quit
661. quote
662. radio
663. rainforest
664. raise
665. rare
666. rat
667. Ratna
668. reader
669. reality
670. recently
671. recommend
672. record
673. recover
674. recycle
675. reduce
676. refer
677. refuse
678. region
679. remain
680. reminder
681. repair
682. represent
683. resistance
684. response
685. rhino
686. rice
687. ridde
688. riding
689. ridiculous
690. ring
691. risen
692. riverbank
693. roast
694. robot
695. rock
696. rock(音楽のロック)
697. roller
698. roller coaster
699. romance
700. root
701. rope
702. Rosa Parks
703. rough
704. row(船をオールで漕ぐ)
705. Rugby World Cup
706. rush
707. sadly
708. sang
709. sat
710. satisfied
711. saying
712. scan
713. scarf
714. schedule
715. score
716. Scotland
717. sea lion
718. search
719. seat
720. Seattle
721. secret
722. section
723. seed
724. sensitively
725. sensor
726. separate
727. series
728. seriously
729. setting
730. Seyfried
731. shabby
732. shake
733. shaken
734. shampoo
735. shelf
736. Sherlock Homes
737. shine
738. shiny
739. shock
740. shocked
741. shook
742. shoot
743. shot
744. shout
745. shown
746. shut
747. sickness
748. sightseeing
749. sign
750. silent
751. simply
752. sincerely
753. single
754. Sir
755. situation
756. skier
757. skiing
758. skillful
759. skin
760. sleeping
761. slept
762. slice
763. smell
764. smoothly
765. snowboarding
766. snowman
767. soap
768. social
769. solution
770. somebody
771. south
772. South America
773. south Asia
774. souvenir
775. space
776. Spanish
777. splash
778. sprint
779. stamp
780. Stand by Me
781. statue
782. step
783. sticky
784. strange
785. straw
786. stream
787. stress
788. stretch
789. stuff
790. subtitle
791. success
792. sudden
793. sugar
794. suggest
795. suggestion
796. summary
797. sung
798. Sunny
799. sunset
800. surf
801. surprising
802. survivor
803. sushi
804. swam
805. swimmer
806. Swiss
807. Switzerland
808. swum
809. system
810. taco
811. tale
812. talented
813. taste
814. teammate
815. tear
816. technology and home economics
817. teenager
818. tempura
819. test
820. texture
821. theme
822. therefore
823. Thomas
824. thrilling
825. tie
826. Tigers
827. tofu
828. Tom
829. tonight
830. tool
831. top
832. total
833. toy
834. track
835. treasure
836. treatment
837. trick
838. True Colors
839. True Colors Tour
840. truly
841. trumpeter
842. truth
843. tunnel
844. turtle
845. twin
846. U.F.O.
847. uh-huh
848. Uluru
849. um
850. unexpected
851. unfamiliar
852. unfortunately
853. the United States
854. uplifting
855. upon
856. upset
857. Urdu
858. the U.S.A.
859. used
860. valley
861. valuable
862. vanilla
863. vapor
864. version
865. victim
866. view
867. viewer
868. volume
869. vote
870. wallet
871. Warka Tower
872. Warka Water Project
873. washing
874. washing machine
875. Washington, D.C.
876. wasteful
877. watering
878. watering can
879. We Are the World
880. well-done
881. western
882. whale-watching
883. Whites Only
884. whole
885. Wi-Fi
886. wing
887. wipe
888. witch
889. within
890. wizard
891. Wonderland
892. wood
893. wore
894. workbook
895. worksheet
896. World Heritage Site
897. worn
898. worried
899. worse
900. worst
901. Wright Brothers
902. writing
903. yacht
904. yard
905. yawn
906. yearly
907. zebra
908. Zorba

















-プログラミング, 中学生, 中学英語

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