

単語帳レビュー 高校生 高校英語


投稿日:2022年7月11日 更新日:








単語帳 難単語 基礎単語 回しやすさ
ターゲット1900 5 out of 5 stars 2.5 out of 5 stars


4.5 out of 5 stars
システム英単語 5 out of 5 stars 2.5 out of 5 stars


4.5 out of 5 stars


鉄壁 5 out of 5 stars


3 out of 5 stars 3 out of 5 stars
単語王2202 5 out of 5 stars

4 out of 5 stars


3.5 out of 5 stars


















同レベル帯でこの収録数よりも多いものは、ランク順英単語2300くらいでしょうか? 近いうちにこちらも検証予定です。













当然どの本にも含まれる情報なのですが、発音記号の下でわざわざミニクイズ方式(名? 同? 反?などと問いかけてくる)にすることで、覚えるための動機付けにうまく繋いでいますね。
















(名)[不可算]空間・場所・可能性・余地・余裕・[可算]部屋・[the 〜(集合的に)]部屋にいる人々


































1. aim
2. apt
3. ban
4. beg
5. bet
6. bow
7. dim
8. fee
9. nod
10. odd
11. owe
12. raw
13. ray
14. rob
15. sum
16. ally
17. bend
18. bias
19. bore
20. bury
21. cast
22. cell
23. cite
24. clue
25. crop
26. cure
27. deaf
28. debt
29. dumb
30. duty
31. envy
32. evil
33. fade
34. fame
35. fare
36. fate
37. feat
38. feed
39. flee
40. fold
41. folk
42. fuel
43. fund
44. gain
45. gaze
46. gene
47. glow
48. grab
49. harm
50. heal
51. keen
52. leak
53. lean
54. leap
55. load
56. mass
57. melt
58. mess
59. mold
60. myth
61. neat
62. obey
63. oral
64. pile
65. plot
66. pour
67. pray
68. prey
69. quit
70. rage
71. rare
72. rely
73. roar
74. role
75. ruin
76. seek
77. shed
78. sigh
79. site
80. soak
81. soar
82. soil
83. sole
84. sore
85. stem
86. stir
87. tame
88. task
89. tear
90. tidy
91. toll
92. urge
93. vain
94. vary
95. vast
96. vote
97. wind
98. yell
99. abuse
100. acute
101. adapt
102. admit
103. adopt
104. alert
105. alien
106. alter
107. amaze
108. ample
109. amuse
110. annoy
111. apply
112. argue
113. arise
114. asset
115. avoid
116. award
117. aware
118. blame
119. bloom
120. boast
121. brave
122. breed
123. bribe
124. burst
125. carve
126. cease
127. chaos
128. charm
129. claim
130. cling
131. crash
132. crime
133. crude
134. cruel
135. crush
136. curse
137. decay
138. dizzy
139. drain
140. eager
141. elect
142. equip
143. erect
144. exert
145. exist
146. faint
147. faith
148. false
149. favor
150. fetch
151. flock
152. fluid
153. focus
154. force
155. found
156. frown
157. grain
158. grasp
159. greet
160. gross
161. harsh
162. humid
163. imply
164. infer
165. irony
166. judge
167. legal
168. loyal
169. match
170. mercy
171. merit
172. minor
173. moral
174. mourn
175. naive
176. naked
177. occur
178. offer
179. orbit
180. pause
181. phase
182. prove
183. queue
184. quote
185. range
186. react
187. realm
188. rebel
189. refer
190. reign
191. rigid
192. rumor
193. rural
194. scent
195. scope
196. seize
197. sheer
198. shift
199. sight
200. skill
201. solid
202. solve
203. spoil
204. stare
205. steep
206. stiff
207. stock
208. strip
209. stuff
210. swear
211. swell
212. tease
213. tempt
214. trace
215. trade
216. trait
217. treat
218. trend
219. trial
220. tribe
221. troop
222. trust
223. unite
224. upset
225. urban
226. utter
227. vague
228. valid
229. value
230. virus
231. vital
232. vivid
233. weave
234. worth
235. wound
236. absorb
237. absurd
238. access
239. accuse
240. adjust
241. admire
242. affect
243. afford
244. annual
245. appeal
246. arouse
247. arrest
248. aspect
249. assert
250. assess
251. assign
252. assure
253. attach
254. attain
255. betray
256. bother
257. budget
258. burden
259. casual
260. cattle
261. census
262. colony
263. commit
264. common
265. compel
266. convey
267. crisis
268. custom
269. debate
270. decade
271. decent
272. decide
273. defeat
274. defect
275. defend
276. define
277. demand
278. depend
279. derive
280. desert
281. desire
282. detail
283. detect
284. devote
285. differ
286. digest
287. divide
288. domain
289. effect
290. embark
291. embody
292. emerge
293. employ
294. endure
295. engage
296. ensure
297. entire
298. estate
299. ethnic
300. exceed
301. expand
302. expose
303. extend
304. fabric
305. famine
306. fierce
307. forbid
308. fossil
309. foster
310. gender
311. glance
312. hazard
313. hinder
314. humble
315. ignore
316. immune
317. impact
318. import
319. impose
320. income
321. induce
322. inform
323. innate
324. insert
325. insist
326. insult
327. invade
328. invest
329. launch
330. likely
331. locate
332. luxury
333. mammal
334. manual
335. mature
336. mental
337. method
338. modify
339. motive
340. mutual
341. native
342. notion
343. oblige
344. obtain
345. occupy
346. offend
347. oppose
348. origin
349. permit
350. plague
351. pledge
352. plunge
353. policy
354. praise
355. prefer
356. priest
357. profit
358. prompt
359. proper
360. punish
361. pursue
362. puzzle
363. random
364. recall
365. reduce
366. reform
367. refuse
368. regard
369. region
370. regret
371. reject
372. relate
373. remark
374. remedy
375. remind
376. remote
377. remove
378. render
379. resent
380. resign
381. resist
382. resort
383. resume
384. retire
385. reveal
386. review
387. revise
388. revive
389. reward
390. ritual
391. rotate
392. sacred
393. scheme
394. search
395. severe
396. shrink
397. slight
398. soothe
399. sorrow
400. spread
401. stable
402. starve
403. static
404. status
405. steady
406. strain
407. stress
408. strict
409. strive
410. submit
411. subtle
412. suffer
413. supply
414. survey
415. temper
416. theory
417. thesis
418. thread
419. thrive
420. thrust
421. tissue
422. treaty
423. uneasy
424. vacant
425. vanish
426. victim
427. virtue
428. wander
429. wealth
430. weapon
431. wisdom
432. abandon
433. abolish
434. achieve
435. acquire
436. advance
437. analogy
438. ancient
439. anxious
440. approve
441. assault
442. attempt
443. attract
444. awkward
445. barrier
446. benefit
447. capable
448. capture
449. cherish
450. combine
451. commute
452. compare
453. compete
454. compile
455. complex
456. compose
457. conceal
458. condemn
459. confess
460. conform
461. confuse
462. conquer
463. consent
464. consist
465. consult
466. consume
467. contain
468. contend
469. context
470. convert
471. correct
472. crucial
473. curious
474. current
475. deceive
476. declare
477. decline
478. delight
479. deposit
480. deprive
481. descend
482. deserve
483. despair
484. destroy
485. dialect
486. dictate
487. dignity
488. disgust
489. dismiss
490. dispose
491. dispute
492. distort
493. disturb
494. divorce
495. drought
496. earnest
497. economy
498. element
499. embrace
500. emotion
501. enclose
502. enhance
503. eternal
504. execute
505. exhibit
506. exploit
507. explore
508. express
509. extract
510. faculty
511. fatigue
512. feature
513. fertile
514. forgive
515. formula
516. fragile
517. fulfill
518. funeral
519. genuine
520. glimpse
521. grocery
522. harvest
523. hostile
524. imitate
525. immense
526. improve
527. impulse
528. include
529. inherit
530. initial
531. insight
532. inspect
533. inspire
534. install
535. intense
536. jealous
537. mention
538. migrate
539. mission
540. neglect
541. neutral
542. nourish
543. nuclear
544. nurture
545. obscure
546. obvious
547. outcome
548. outlook
549. paradox
550. passion
551. passive
552. patient
553. penalty
554. pension
555. perform
556. persist
557. portion
558. possess
559. precede
560. predict
561. premise
562. pretend
563. prevail
564. prevent
565. proceed
566. produce
567. project
568. prolong
569. promote
570. propose
571. protest
572. proverb
573. provoke
574. publish
575. qualify
576. quality
577. radical
578. recover
579. reflect
580. refrain
581. release
582. replace
583. require
584. resolve
585. respond
586. restore
587. retreat
588. revenue
589. reverse
590. routine
591. satisfy
592. scatter
593. scratch
594. shallow
595. shelter
596. sincere
597. species
598. startle
599. stretch
600. stumble
601. suggest
602. suppose
603. surface
604. surpass
605. survive
606. suspect
607. suspend
608. sustain
609. symptom
610. torture
611. tragedy
612. triumph
613. trivial
614. tuition
615. typical
616. undergo
617. violate
618. visible
619. welfare
620. whisper
621. willing
622. witness
623. worship
624. abstract
625. abundant
626. accurate
627. adequate
628. advocate
629. affluent
630. ancestor
631. announce
632. appetite
633. approach
634. arrogant
635. assemble
636. astonish
637. attitude
638. audience
639. bankrupt
640. beverage
641. boundary
642. coherent
643. coincide
644. collapse
645. commerce
646. complain
647. conceive
648. conclude
649. concrete
650. conflict
651. confront
652. congress
653. consider
654. contempt
655. contract
656. contrary
657. convince
658. dedicate
659. delicate
660. describe
661. diminish
662. disaster
663. disguise
664. distract
665. distress
666. district
667. document
668. domestic
669. dominate
670. eloquent
671. enormous
672. epidemic
673. estimate
674. evaluate
675. facility
676. familiar
677. flexible
678. flourish
679. fraction
680. fragment
681. friction
682. frighten
683. frontier
684. function
685. generate
686. generous
687. grateful
688. heritage
689. hesitate
690. identify
691. ideology
692. illusion
693. incident
694. increase
695. indicate
696. industry
697. infinite
698. inherent
699. innocent
700. instinct
701. internal
702. interval
703. intimate
704. irritate
705. juvenile
706. material
707. medieval
708. military
709. minister
710. moderate
711. molecule
712. monopoly
713. negative
714. numerous
715. obstacle
716. occasion
717. official
718. overcome
719. overlook
720. overtake
721. parallel
722. particle
723. peculiar
724. perceive
725. persuade
726. physical
727. positive
728. postpone
729. pregnant
730. preserve
731. prestige
732. previous
733. profound
734. progress
735. prohibit
736. prospect
737. province
738. punctual
739. purchase
740. rational
741. reckless
742. register
743. regulate
744. relevant
745. religion
746. republic
747. research
748. resemble
749. resource
750. restrain
751. restrict
752. somewhat
753. specimen
754. strategy
755. struggle
756. stubborn
757. superior
758. suppress
759. surround
760. sympathy
761. tolerate
762. transfer
763. transmit
764. treasure
765. ultimate
766. vertical
767. withdraw
768. advantage
769. ambiguous
770. arbitrary
771. associate
772. astronomy
773. attribute
774. available
775. brilliant
776. calculate
777. candidate
778. celebrate
779. colleague
780. commodity
781. conscious
782. consensus
783. cultivate
784. determine
785. efficient
786. elaborate
787. eliminate
788. embarrass
789. emphasize
790. encounter
791. encourage
792. entertain
793. essential
794. establish
795. fascinate
796. geography
797. guarantee
798. hierarchy
799. incentive
800. influence
801. interfere
802. interpret
803. interrupt
804. intuition
805. knowledge
806. landscape
807. negotiate
808. notorious
809. nutrition
810. offspring
811. penetrate
812. permanent
813. perpetual
814. personnel
815. potential
816. prejudice
817. prescribe
818. primitive
819. principle
820. privilege
821. prominent
822. pronounce
823. recognize
824. reconcile
825. reluctant
826. represent
827. sacrifice
828. sensation
829. skeptical
830. speculate
831. stimulate
832. structure
833. substance
834. surrender
835. technique
836. temporary
837. territory
838. transform
839. translate
840. undertake
841. withstand
842. accelerate
843. accomplish
844. accumulate
845. aggressive
846. anticipate
847. artificial
848. atmosphere
849. compensate
850. compliment
851. comprehend
852. compromise
853. conference
854. confidence
855. conscience
856. contradict
857. contribute
858. convenient
859. correspond
860. curriculum
861. disappoint
862. distribute
863. enterprise
864. equivalent
865. eventually
866. exaggerate
867. experiment
868. hypothesis
869. illuminate
870. illustrate
871. incredible
872. individual
873. inevitable
874. ingredient
875. innovation
876. instrument
877. irrigation
878. laboratory
879. legitimate
880. linguistic
881. manipulate
882. monotonous
883. particular
884. pedestrian
885. phenomenon
886. philosophy
887. profession
888. psychology
889. reputation
890. revolution
891. ridiculous
892. specialize
893. statistics
894. stereotype
895. subsequent
896. substitute
897. sufficient
898. supplement
899. transition
900. transplant
901. tremendous
902. vocabulary
903. vulnerable
904. accommodate
905. acknowledge
906. agriculture
907. appropriate
908. certificate
909. concentrate
910. consequence
911. conspicuous
912. contemplate
913. counterpart
914. demonstrate
915. distinguish
916. environment
917. fundamental
918. independent
919. indifferent
920. investigate
921. magnificent
922. manufacture
923. opportunity
924. participate
925. perspective
926. spontaneous
927. subordinate
928. superficial
929. transparent
930. architecture
931. breakthrough
932. circumstance
933. contemporary
934. nevertheless
935. superstition
936. indispensable
937. sophisticated









つまり、中学の主要な教科書であるNEW HORIZONとNEW CROWNに載っている単語を基礎単語とみなし、それらの単語は除外することで、(ある程度は)簡単な単語は省くことができます。







1. bob
2. bug
3. dye
4. hay
5. pin
6. wed
7. clip
8. flap
9. flip
10. flow
11. gear
12. grid
13. grip
14. hive
15. loan
16. mall
17. maze
18. mill
19. monk
20. numb
21. plug
22. pump
23. reef
24. seal
25. shun
26. slip
27. spin
28. basin
29. blade
30. click
31. crack
32. curve
33. embed
34. flush
35. forth
36. guard
37. haven
38. input
39. joint
40. model
41. motor
42. mummy
43. panel
44. panic
45. pitch
46. polar
47. renew
48. route
49. skull
50. spark
51. spray
52. stack
53. stall
54. stray
55. swing
56. theft
57. tweet
58. actual
59. allege
60. awaken
61. barrel
62. browse
63. bureau
64. clinic
65. cortex
66. county
67. devine
68. errand
69. filter
70. format
71. hollow
72. inject
73. league
74. makeup
75. motion
76. offset
77. outfit
78. phrase
79. plight
80. pollen
81. regain
82. shield
83. sprawl
84. tablet
85. target
86. unfold
87. update
88. vendor
89. versus
90. worsen
91. archive
92. chamber
93. channel
94. classic
95. compute
96. convict
97. digital
98. dynamic
99. eclipse
100. fallacy
101. gallery
102. garment
103. instant
104. license
105. mislead
106. mixture
107. ongoing
108. outline
109. overlap
110. placebo
111. prairie
112. refresh
113. request
114. scenery
115. sensory
116. slavery
117. spatial
118. terrify
119. thermal
120. unknown
121. utility
122. zealous
123. accustom
124. acoustic
125. commence
126. converse
127. cosmetic
128. disorder
129. dispatch
130. distinct
131. dramatic
132. eligible
133. glossary
134. holistic
135. interior
136. landmine
137. likewise
138. literacy
139. magnetic
140. monetary
141. mortgage
142. multiple
143. nonsense
144. platform
145. populate
146. presence
147. scenario
148. simulate
149. wireless
150. algorithm
151. alternate
152. constrain
153. costitute
154. empirical
155. extrovert
156. formation
157. guideline
158. highlight
159. inability
160. infection
161. inflation
162. librarian
163. longevity
164. millenium
165. obsession
166. paralysis
167. pervasive
168. preoccupy
169. recipient
170. signature
171. spiritual
172. sweatshop
173. unrelated
174. workforce
175. aboriginal
176. accidental
177. antibiotic
178. complicate
179. congestion
180. contagious
181. harassment
182. inequality
183. internship
184. irrelevant
185. mainstream
186. meaningful
187. ubiquitous
188. unpleasant
189. vocational
190. worthwhile
191. collaborate
192. cooperation
193. correlation
194. fingerprint
195. immigration
196. merchandise
197. prehistoric
198. disadvantage
199. insufficient
200. intermediate
201. neighborhood
202. enlightenment
203. underestimate
204. undergraduate
205. infrastructure


1. ash
2. bay
3. hug
4. lap
5. nap
6. nor
7. rag
8. aged
9. damp
10. dust
11. fond
12. hire
13. junk
14. lane
15. lest
16. lord
17. lung
18. mate
19. poke
20. trim
21. alike
22. array
23. bride
24. cargo
25. dozen
26. flood
27. merry
28. midst
29. onset
30. ought
31. owing
32. sharp
33. spite
34. stalk
35. thief
36. verge
37. affirm
38. agency
39. barely
40. breeze
41. carbon
42. doomed
43. greedy
44. lively
45. merely
46. mighty
47. nephew
48. palace
49. racial
50. rattle
51. rotten
52. seldom
53. spinal
54. undone
55. unless
56. unlike
57. density
58. finding
59. frankly
60. germent
61. haunted
62. inquiry
63. jewelry
64. kingdom
65. lottery
66. novelty
67. nursing
68. obesity
69. refugee
70. tourism
71. utterly
72. vending
73. whether
74. whistle
75. wrecked
76. activist
77. addicted
78. artifact
79. blessing
80. botanist
81. bullying
82. clinical
83. coverage
84. creature
85. detached
86. distance
87. entitled
88. equation
89. evacuate
90. floating
91. helpless
92. ignorant
93. involved
94. isolated
95. majority
96. obsessed
97. oriented
98. outraged
99. parasite
100. pleasant
101. renowned
102. scarcely
103. shipping
104. shortage
105. stranger
106. striking
107. threaten
108. thrilled
109. afterward
110. alcoholic
111. amendment
112. antiquity
113. bilingual
114. countless
115. departure
116. diagnosis
117. discharge
118. evolution
119. excessive
120. executive
121. expertise
122. explosion
123. extremely
124. furniture
125. imaginary
126. instantly
127. mechanism
128. miserable
129. mortality
130. paralyzed
131. precisely
132. procedure
133. promising
134. publicity
135. synthetic
136. telescope
137. youngster
138. absolutely
139. apparently
140. appearance
141. aspiration
142. autonomous
143. consistent
144. constraint
145. conversely
146. corruption
147. deficiency
148. diplomatic
149. disability
150. ecological
151. geological
152. impression
153. inhabitant
154. intriguing
155. meditation
156. occupation
157. precaution
158. reasonable
159. refreshing
160. remarkable
161. secondhand
162. subscriber
163. thoroughly
164. throughout
165. underlying
166. vegetation
167. advertising
168. antibiotics
169. drastically
170. enlightened
171. interaction
172. necessarily
173. proficiency
174. respectable
175. respiratory
176. self-esteem
177. substantial
178. ultraviolet
179. accidentally
180. considerable
181. constitution
182. construction
183. deliberately
184. headquarters
185. inflammation
186. intellectual
187. intersection
188. intervention
189. kindergarten
190. occasionally
191. overwhelming
192. recollection
193. surveillance
194. archaeologist
195. comprehensive
196. controversial
197. physiological
198. predominantly
199. anthropologist
200. characteristic
201. responsibility
202. transportation


1. awe
2. gap
3. jaw
4. kin
5. lie
6. sip
7. sob
8. Diet
9. arms
10. army
11. axis
12. boss
13. chin
14. dual
15. edit
16. fist
17. heel
18. holy
19. palm
20. pave
21. raid
22. sane
23. self
24. verb
25. amend
26. anger
27. ankle
28. aside
29. basic
30. beard
31. brute
32. cheek
33. clone
34. deter
35. dogma
36. elbow
37. enact
38. erode
39. evade
40. fraud
41. fully
42. lapse
43. maxim
44. media
45. rally
46. ranch
47. repel
48. sniff
49. snore
50. thigh
51. tutor
52. vigor
53. wrist
54. Senate
55. appall
56. artery
57. benign
58. bruise
59. bustle
60. clergy
61. coffin
62. corpse
63. detain
64. devise
65. eyelid
66. gadget
67. global
68. hamper
69. hunger
70. impart
71. indeed
72. justly
73. marked
74. marvel
75. mumble
76. partly
77. salary
78. serial
79. shiver
80. shriek
81. stride
82. superb
83. tactic
84. terror
85. ability
86. afflict
87. analyze
88. apology
89. audible
90. concede
91. diffuse
92. diploma
93. diverse
94. eyebrow
95. eyelash
96. geology
97. grammar
98. gratify
99. grimace
100. liberty
101. pilgrim
102. pollute
103. primary
104. rightly
105. sharply
106. soldier
107. specify
108. toddler
109. vitamin
110. buddhism
111. catholic
112. critical
113. currency
114. diplomat
115. disperse
116. emigrate
117. farewell
118. forehead
119. governor
120. ministry
121. momentum
122. monarchy
123. perserve
124. pharmacy
125. politics
126. quantify
127. subtract
128. tangible
129. transact
130. velocity
131. acid rain
132. adjective
133. alleviate
134. astrology
135. automatic
136. celebrity
137. celestial
138. chemistry
139. circulate
140. cognition
141. communism
142. duplicate
143. immigrate
144. ingenuous
145. institute
146. intention
147. irregular
148. legislate
149. longitude
150. malicious
151. maternity
152. monologue
153. otherwise
154. posterior
155. proximity
156. residence
157. resilient
158. socialism
159. sophomore
160. suffocate
161. supervise
162. transcend
163. acquainted
164. administer
165. ambivalent
166. articulate
167. automobile
168. censorship
169. delegation
170. delinquent
171. foundation
172. horizontal
173. imperative
174. journalism
175. mistakenly
176. navigation
177. patriotism
178. presumably
179. protestant
180. relentless
181. scrutinize
182. standpoint
183. synthesize
184. whatsoever
185. bureaucracy
186. connotation
187. furthermore
188. inteligence
189. nationalism
190. ozone layer
191. proliferate
192. psychiatric
193. rectangular
194. christianity
195. significance
196. advertisement
197. assassination
198. greenhouse effect
199. tropical rain forest


1. VCR
2. dig
3. err
4. foe
5. lid
6. bald
7. bank
8. barn
9. bent
10. drug
11. fair
12. flat
13. glue
14. grim
15. hell
16. mend
17. scar
18. snob
19. tact
20. thin
21. toil
22. undo
23. whim
24. wise
25. zeal
26. allot
27. badly
28. blast
29. bliss
30. blood
31. blush
32. bough
33. bound
34. broad
35. creed
36. fable
37. folly
38. frank
39. gauge
40. groan
41. guilt
42. muddy
43. outer
44. ozone
45. pious
46. pulse
47. rival
48. rouse
49. serve
50. stale
51. stink
52. stout
53. suite
54. undue
55. vogue
56. abound
57. apathy
58. ardent
59. assent
60. avenge
61. avenue
62. banish
63. barter
64. belief
65. bestow
66. bishop
67. chilly
68. coarse
69. coerce
70. coward
71. cradle
72. denote
73. detach
74. detest
75. dialog
76. disarm
77. dismal
78. fairly
79. frugal
80. futile
81. grieve
82. harbor
83. inborn
84. insure
85. kidnap
86. knight
87. layman
88. lessen
89. lumber
90. malice
91. meager
92. mingle
93. needle
94. obsess
95. patron
96. petrol
97. pillar
98. relief
99. repent
100. salute
101. satire
102. serene
103. sermon
104. shrewd
105. smooth
106. solemn
107. sullen
108. tariff
109. throat
110. throng
111. vanity
112. vision
113. vulgar
114. abstain
115. agitate
116. amiable
117. anarchy
118. anguish
119. baggage
120. bearing
121. blunder
122. bondage
123. ceiling
124. chuckle
125. collide
126. conceit
127. concise
128. confide
129. cottage
130. counsel
131. cunning
132. disable
133. distant
134. haughty
135. invalid
136. learned
137. logical
138. massive
139. narrate
140. network
141. outrage
142. pacific
143. partake
144. pastime
145. perfume
146. postwar
147. preface
148. premier
149. promise
150. regular
151. shudder
152. smother
153. sterile
154. surgeon
155. traitor
156. typhoon
157. useless
158. warfare
159. wrinkle
160. Democrat
161. agitator
162. autocrat
163. aviation
164. calamity
165. cautious
166. confound
167. contrive
168. credible
169. deceased
170. delusion
171. despotic
172. dispense
173. dissuade
174. distator
175. dogmatic
176. donation
177. dreadful
178. drudgery
179. emigrant
180. fabulous
181. foretell
182. fruitful
183. gangster
184. glorious
185. horrible
186. humility
187. impudent
188. mosquito
189. obstruct
190. optimism
191. overhear
192. pathetic
193. portrait
194. pressing
195. prophecy
196. renounce
197. reproach
198. singular
199. sometime
200. tendency
201. tiresome
202. tranquil
203. upcoming
204. withhold
205. Antarctic
206. accessory
207. adversity
208. ambitious
209. antipathy
210. ascertain
211. barbarian
212. barometer
213. bilateral
214. blueprint
215. cathedral
216. courteous
217. criticism
218. deficient
219. eccentric
220. excursion
221. fanatical
222. fortnight
223. indignant
224. laborious
225. miniature
226. momentary
227. municipal
228. peninsula
229. persecute
230. pessimism
231. posterity
232. priceless
233. so-called
234. sovereign
235. stretched
236. talkative
237. terminate
238. terrorism
239. transient
240. warehouse
241. auditorium
242. beforehand
243. capricious
244. caricature
245. colloquial
246. emancipate
247. formidable
248. glittering
249. hospitable
250. infectious
251. locomotive
252. misfortune
253. oppression
254. playwright
255. superpower
256. well-being
257. adolescence
258. ambivalence
259. chairperson
260. commonplace
261. compartment
262. condominium
263. countenance
264. delinquency
265. devastating
266. exterminate
267. frustration
268. handicapped
269. mischievous
270. painstaking
271. radioactive
272. restructure
273. superfluous
274. confidential
275. metaphysical
276. perseverance
277. refrigerator
278. unemployment
279. white-collar
280. modernization
281. misunderstanding










難単語が多すぎるから? 普通に基礎単語が多いから? 今のところどちらとも言い難いので、東工大レベルで比較してみましょう。









1. invest
2. means
3. interpret
4. gaze
5. income
6. seal
7. technique
8. require
9. predecessor
10. circumstance
11. tame
12. oppose
13. review
14. dedicate
15. contrast
16. occasion
17. exist
18. motion
19. aspect
20. range
21. await
22. account
23. predict
24. advent
25. theory
26. expose
27. model
28. correspond
29. implement
30. contribute
31. numerous
32. transmit
33. surpass
34. friction
35. warn
36. impact
37. capacity
38. deduce
39. neat
40. mental
41. substance
42. basis
43. potential
44. abstract
45. shift
46. succeed
47. exceed
48. advocate
49. vulnerable
50. identify
51. commerce
52. race
53. structure
54. textile
55. drag
56. attempt
57. crack
58. revolution
59. force
60. humanity
61. lecture
62. accurate
63. urgent
64. demonstrate
65. accelerate
66. analysis
67. complete
68. distinguish
69. precede
70. obtain
71. duration
72. hierarchy
73. consume
74. mere
75. advance
76. distort
77. intimate
78. cuisine
79. mode
80. grab
81. alter
82. shrink
83. allow
84. toll
85. innovation
86. biological
87. ease
88. tap
89. digest
90. dissolve
91. status
92. paradox
93. endanger
94. mill
95. repeat
96. decline
97. compel
98. define
99. purchase
100. entire
101. distinct
102. mood
103. recipient
104. quantity
105. frontier
106. classify
107. resemble
108. infinite
109. warrior
110. trial
111. likely
112. sort
113. column
114. generate
115. respond
116. maintain
117. involve
118. cluster
119. wound
120. mislead
121. ignore
122. intend
123. harm
124. institution
125. authority
126. urge
127. crucial
128. associate
129. calculate
130. effect
131. internal
132. sacrifice
133. approach
134. operate
135. emphasize
136. previous
137. significant
138. recent
139. mention
140. colleague
141. exhibit
142. prestige
143. reflect
144. enterprise
145. manner
146. pain
147. scratch
148. joint
149. retain
150. spectrum
151. regard
152. engage
153. impose
154. detect
155. proper
156. expand
157. protein
158. struggle
159. occur
160. superior
161. mass
162. code
163. consequence
164. chew
165. flip
166. trait
167. sensory
168. nourish
169. phase
170. whereas
171. reject
172. estate
173. ritual
174. crisis
175. utility
176. excel
177. negotiate
178. adopt
179. timber
180. entertain
181. patent
182. algorithm
183. assume
184. inform
185. transfer
186. fashion
187. endure
188. demand
189. criticize
190. evidence
191. relieve
192. economy
193. infer
194. arise
195. meaningful
196. fallacy
197. manufacture
198. oral
199. unfold
200. deceive
201. specimen
202. indicate
203. celebrate
204. spatial
205. assess
206. collaborate
207. digital
208. geography
209. crush
210. sophisticated
211. confront
212. perspective
213. vivid
214. sensitive
215. physical
216. linguistic
217. aid
218. notorious
219. enormous
220. chronic
221. accomplish
222. ingredient
223. presence
224. verbal
225. entail
226. feminine
227. complex
228. liquid
229. diminish
230. pregnant
231. predator
232. individual
233. document
234. longevity
235. gallery
236. claim
237. dynamic
238. accord
239. rank
240. undermine
241. educate
242. alert
243. formula
244. occupy
245. smash
246. faculty
247. corporation
248. ensure
249. decade
250. task
251. option
252. luxury
253. external
254. bind
255. aware
256. architecture
257. suppress
258. confirm
259. acquaintance
260. rely
261. metaphor
262. desire
263. devote
264. fellow
265. constant
266. term
267. impress
268. sequence
269. disadvantage
270. certain
271. scatter
272. prey
273. arithmetic
274. reveal
275. fabric
276. librarian
277. enable
278. philosophy
279. actual
280. tablet
281. capital
282. concept
283. appoint
284. sensation
285. spark
286. replace
287. frame
288. encounter
289. expense
290. permit
291. treaty
292. highlight
293. acquire
294. transform
295. priority
296. appetite
297. pesticide
298. witness
299. value
300. frown
301. credit
302. civil
303. seek
304. element
305. employ
306. object
307. conduct
308. literacy
309. illustrate
310. regardless
311. navigate
312. current
313. mark
314. argue
315. imply
316. consensus
317. suppose
318. estimate
319. random
320. function
321. blame
322. grain
323. source
324. financial
325. industry
326. efficient
327. convey
328. infection
329. numb
330. depict
331. insight
332. contemporary
333. inability
334. edible
335. statement
336. apparent
337. soothe
338. narrative
339. trap
340. habit
341. corrupt
342. persuade
343. trigger
344. determine
345. versus
346. phrase
347. divide
348. declare
349. spiritual
350. hypothesis
351. publish
352. cognitive
353. tend
354. dense
355. conflict
356. primate
357. rebel
358. ultimate
359. drift
360. weave
361. monk
362. yield
363. political
364. willing
365. reverse
366. reluctant
367. intact
368. offend
369. obvious
370. astronomy
371. notion
372. protocol
373. scenario
374. address
375. cease
376. concern
377. commodity
378. advantage
379. breakthrough
380. exclude
381. religion
382. profession
383. crime
384. elaborate
385. benefit
386. dip
387. overcome
388. examine
389. leap


1. blame
2. frown
3. retain
4. desire
5. tend
6. regardless
7. obvious
8. ape
9. sophisticated
10. geography
11. gaze
12. religion
13. hardly
14. suppose
15. nuisance
16. obesity
17. mass
18. infer
19. weave
20. column
21. arithmetic
22. entertain
23. companion
24. benefit
25. devote
26. regard
27. immerse
28. economy
29. frontier
30. expand
31. calculate
32. appoint
33. primate
34. scatter
35. toll
36. unit
37. chronic
38. imply
39. assess
40. soothe
41. willing
42. thereby
43. friction
44. examine
45. advance
46. expose
47. except
48. consume
49. intimate
50. fellow
51. previous
52. determine
53. huge
54. encounter
55. define
56. ingredient
57. rely
58. revolution
59. circumstance
60. metaphor
61. contribute
62. exist
63. function
64. basis
65. whereas
66. priority
67. aspect
68. substantial
69. structure
70. quantity
71. complex
72. household
73. interpret
74. oral
75. equation
76. innovation
77. superior
78. synthetic
79. enable
80. sequence
81. pesticide
82. largely
83. paralyzed
84. corporation
85. substance
86. inform
87. transmit
88. cease
89. unless
90. potential
91. consistent
92. immigrant
93. appearance
94. tap
95. trigger
96. negotiate
97. nourish
98. advantage
99. surpass
100. depict
101. desperate
102. manufacture
103. occupy
104. shift
105. random
106. respond
107. expertise
108. correspond
109. reflect
110. breakthrough
111. approach
112. celebrate
113. effect
114. require
115. civilization
116. mechanism
117. occasion
118. ignore
119. advent
120. capacity
121. trial
122. document
123. impose
124. allow
125. throughout
126. identify
127. prestige
128. cognitive
129. commerce
130. illustrate
131. hierarchy
132. awake
133. employ
134. practical
135. income
136. acquaintance
137. convey
138. thus
139. storm
140. objective
141. rebel
142. await
143. fabric
144. permit
145. current
146. reverse
147. intact
148. pole
149. anthropologist
150. intend
151. prey
152. sensation
153. resemble
154. vivid
155. merchant
156. architecture
157. contemporary
158. analysis
159. frame
160. confront
161. hypothesis
162. reject
163. leisure
164. purchase
165. undermine
166. luxury
167. value
168. entire
169. purpose
170. perspective
171. witness
172. dedicate
173. vulnerable
174. attempt
175. predecessor
176. invest
177. individual
178. grab
179. phase
180. seldom
181. endure
182. industry
183. replace
184. predict
185. shrink
186. elaborate
187. reluctant
188. treaty
189. arise
190. range
191. intriguing
192. trait
193. prior
194. transfer
195. majority
196. crisis
197. approximately
198. pain
199. scholar
200. bind
201. endanger
202. smash
203. compel
204. exceed
205. unlike
206. alter
207. criticize
208. height
209. evidence
210. oppose
211. leap
212. timber
213. feminine
214. extremely
215. digest
216. suppress
217. accord
218. textile
219. classify
220. precede
221. dip
222. insight
223. tune
224. aware
225. background
226. infinite
227. duration
228. political
229. crush
230. enterprise
231. chew
232. alert
233. whether
234. male
235. diminish
236. biological
237. extent
238. beast
239. pleasant
240. shortcoming
241. paradox
242. operate
243. sacrifice
244. crucial
245. implement
246. numerous
247. monarch
248. force
249. distinguish
250. financial
251. element
252. labor
253. obtain
254. warrior
255. persuade
256. engage
257. protocol
258. recent
259. code
260. wage
261. thermometer
262. technique
263. educate
264. theory
265. lecture
266. complicated
267. crime
268. concept
269. distance
270. bureaucrat
271. efficient
272. decline
273. grain
274. seek
275. astronomy
276. statement
277. precisely
278. warn
279. wheel
280. dissolve
281. factor
282. passage
283. cluster
284. artifact
285. habit
286. estate
287. narrative
288. consensus
289. lure
290. proper
291. ritual
292. occur
293. delay
294. contrast
295. notorious
296. spectrum
297. drag
298. institution
299. specimen
300. review
301. rank
302. bunch
303. indicate
304. likely
305. claim
306. suit
307. considerable
308. distort
309. subjective
310. status
311. intellectual
312. declare
313. tame
314. commodity
315. struggle
316. option
317. consequence
318. craft
319. urge
320. philosophy
321. acquire
322. detect
323. appetite
324. source
325. pregnant
326. complete
327. confirm
328. faculty
329. demand
330. significant
331. physical
332. mental
333. estimate
334. enormous
335. overcome
336. formula
337. navigate
338. urgent
339. innumerable
340. deceive
341. harm
342. verbal
343. threaten
344. accelerate
345. offend
346. advocate
347. abstract
348. linguistic
349. transform
350. colleague
351. scratch
352. publish
353. sensitive
354. argue
355. reveal
356. hemisphere
357. ensure
358. protein
359. patent
360. task
361. excessive
362. wound
363. countless
364. heir
365. mention
366. decade
367. mistake
368. emphasize
369. neat
370. drift
371. remarkable
372. evolution
373. occupation
374. demonstrate
375. civil
376. notion
377. adopt
378. predator
379. internal
380. lightning
381. profession
382. multiply
383. generate
384. constitute
385. exhibit
386. accomplish
387. divide
388. impact
389. associate
390. ultimate
391. cuisine
392. digit
393. accurate
394. trap
395. conflict
396. responsibility


1. convey
2. dissolve
3. scale
4. approach
5. element
6. physical
7. operate
8. advantage
9. identify
10. interpret
11. background
12. suit
13. conflict
14. narrative
15. scholar
16. trial
17. distort
18. sensation
19. indicate
20. metaphor
21. reverse
22. velocity
23. seek
24. disease
25. depict
26. divide
27. appoint
28. allow
29. pole
30. architecture
31. nuisance
32. insight
33. reject
34. formula
35. cluster
36. mental
37. correspond
38. efficient
39. impress
40. frontier
41. thus
42. wheel
43. ability
44. constant
45. associate
46. fully
47. leisure
48. dual
49. rebel
50. ingredient
51. declare
52. exceed
53. huge
54. task
55. companion
56. grab
57. impact
58. permit
59. purchase
60. term
61. nourish
62. involve
63. commerce
64. address
65. mood
66. mention
67. expand
68. fellow
69. advent
70. primary
71. ape
72. yield
73. mark
74. articulate
75. reckon
76. extravagant
77. structure
78. liquid
79. exhibit
80. undermine
81. desire
82. superior
83. oral
84. drag
85. diverse
86. commodity
87. complete
88. sophisticated
89. enormous
90. emphasize
91. mere
92. patent
93. astronomy
94. enterprise
95. offend
96. replace
97. occur
98. shrink
99. require
100. perspective
101. industry
102. foundation
103. dedicate
104. religion
105. corrupt
106. advocate
107. digest
108. arise
109. notion
110. delay
111. dip
112. abstract
113. heel
114. technique
115. linguistic
116. precede
117. neat
118. faculty
119. state
120. status
121. review
122. regard
123. alert
124. electric
125. entire
126. income
127. distinguish
128. value
129. practical
130. predict
131. sort
132. publish
133. innumerable
134. account
135. prestige
136. rely
137. immerse
138. otherwise
139. employ
140. diet
141. likely
142. capacity
143. potential
144. claim
145. entertain
146. expense
147. confront
148. eyebrow
149. contemporary
150. accurate
151. determine
152. manufacture
153. transform
154. machinery
155. revolution
156. complex
157. appetite
158. capital
159. concern
160. attempt
161. intimate
162. frown
163. indeed
164. reflect
165. colleague
166. harm
167. mode
168. toll
169. accelerate
170. bind
171. argue
172. obvious
173. fabric
174. succeed
175. rank
176. respond
177. struggle
178. suppose
179. wound
180. exist
181. chronic
182. multiply
183. occasion
184. shift
185. persuade
186. heir
187. criticize
188. transfer
189. whereas
190. male
191. range
192. encounter
193. consume
194. sensitive
195. overcome
196. arithmetic
197. prior
198. chemistry
199. specimen
200. infer
201. theory
202. decline
203. devote
204. friction
205. edible
206. except
207. profession
208. function
209. numerous
210. effect
211. retrospect
212. pregnant
213. deceive
214. alcohol
215. household
216. crush
217. reluctant
218. prey
219. proper
220. negotiate
221. exclude
222. beast
223. occupy
224. assess
225. ritual
226. define
227. estate
228. estimate
229. grain
230. sacrifice
231. resemble
232. expose
233. economy
234. witness
235. detect
236. notorious
237. protestant
238. exquisite
239. circumstance
240. contrast
241. option
242. deduce
243. oppose
244. labor
245. primate
246. invest
247. innovation
248. civilization
249. merchant
250. assume
251. ensure
252. mass
253. barren
254. elaborate
255. surpass
256. demonstrate
257. advance
258. leap
259. individual
260. diminish
261. purpose
262. compel
263. aware
264. implement
265. force
266. consensus
267. ultimate
268. hemisphere
269. automobile
270. maintain
271. weave
272. accord
273. enable
274. credit
275. engage
276. impose
277. imply
278. trait
279. endure
280. biology
281. renaissance
282. breakthrough
283. gaze
284. benefit
285. scratch
286. constitute
287. luxury
288. fashion
289. female
290. calculate
291. conduct
292. consequence
293. accomplish
294. aspect
295. geography
296. approximately
297. crisis
298. contribute
299. document
300. adopt
301. analyze
302. blame
303. cease
304. tend
305. generate
306. hypothesis
307. decade
308. vulnerable
309. willing
310. subtract
311. inform
312. tame
313. phase
314. illustrate
315. authority
316. complicated
317. trigger
318. army
319. entail
320. self
321. alter
322. external
323. celebrate
324. vivid
325. suppress
326. internal
327. paradox
328. excel
329. relieve
330. hierarchy
331. literate
332. educate
333. reveal
334. soothe
335. treaty
336. current
337. manner
338. philosophy
339. transmit
340. previous
341. scatter
342. random
343. acquire
344. intention
345. feminine
346. means
347. crucial
348. thereby
349. race
350. lie
351. demand
352. ignore
353. substance
354. factor
355. urge
356. dense
357. obtain
358. extent
359. object
360. bureaucracy
361. infinite
362. civil
363. crime


1. employ
2. engage
3. barren
4. transmit
5. nourish
6. significant
7. fabric
8. suit
9. notorious
10. contribute
11. distinguish
12. effect
13. income
14. superior
15. adopt
16. regular
17. philosophy
18. excel
19. overcome
20. recent
21. occupy
22. intimate
23. wound
24. technique
25. enormous
26. concern
27. source
28. storm
29. assume
30. prior
31. complex
32. lure
33. insight
34. decade
35. aware
36. ensure
37. attempt
38. broad
39. task
40. surpass
41. profession
42. capital
43. biology
44. exquisite
45. vivid
46. precede
47. status
48. colleague
49. manufacture
50. consensus
51. sacrifice
52. involve
53. value
54. invest
55. crush
56. passage
57. substance
58. correspond
59. accurate
60. constant
61. shift
62. succeed
63. resemble
64. multiply
65. extravagant
66. household
67. efficient
68. trap
69. exist
70. frontier
71. decline
72. exclude
73. document
74. warn
75. alert
76. distort
77. disease
78. purpose
79. reject
80. manner
81. authority
82. accelerate
83. numerous
84. mention
85. confront
86. treaty
87. grain
88. contemporary
89. define
90. perspective
91. encounter
92. neat
93. shrink
94. crisis
95. wage
96. permit
97. hemisphere
98. obstruct
99. persuade
100. likely
101. economy
102. hardly
103. theory
104. tune
105. alcohol
106. thermometer
107. huge
108. benefit
109. conduct
110. scratch
111. formula
112. leisure
113. interpret
114. shortcoming
115. timber
116. publish
117. electric
118. structure
119. peninsula
120. sequence
121. abstract
122. accomplish
123. industry
124. innumerable
125. mental
126. ignore
127. largely
128. obvious
129. estate
130. reckon
131. dense
132. object
133. diminish
134. blame
135. grab
136. denote
137. luxury
138. literate
139. delay
140. sensation
141. toll
142. expense
143. ease
144. arise
145. trait
146. regard
147. digit
148. evidence
149. expand
150. compel
151. advance
152. lecture
153. monarch
154. innovation
155. rely
156. range
157. analysis
158. companion
159. claim
160. estimate
161. basis
162. suppress
163. constitute
164. commerce
165. occasion
166. objective
167. imply
168. retrospect
169. factor
170. rival
171. verbal
172. ingredient
173. transfer
174. fashion
175. leap
176. friction
177. height
178. scale
179. bureaucrat
180. intend
181. classify
182. corrupt
183. liquid
184. exhibit
185. circumstance
186. thin
187. notion
188. transform
189. impose
190. network
191. harm
192. vulnerable
193. purchase
194. predict
195. sophisticated
196. generate
197. inform
198. renaissance
199. phase
200. frown
201. confirm
202. frame
203. crime
204. means
205. institution
206. commodity
207. reflect
208. civilization
209. humanity
210. illustrate
211. aid
212. deduce
213. impress
214. term
215. barbarian
216. complicated
217. approach
218. proper
219. specimen
220. acquaintance
221. certain
222. machinery
223. examine
224. oral
225. infinite
226. expose
227. reverse
228. endanger
229. tame
230. useless
231. state
232. fair
233. physical
234. female
235. maintain
236. suppose
237. devote
238. elaborate
239. bunch
240. futile
241. review
242. merchant
243. conflict
244. dedicate
245. geography
246. desire
247. replace
248. convey
249. function
250. heir
251. respond
252. alter
253. impact
254. bank
255. diet
256. assess
257. unit
258. indicate
259. advocate
260. potential
261. previous
262. negotiate
263. force
264. blush
265. weave
266. witness
267. ape
268. demand
269. hypothesis
270. endure
271. political
272. race
273. demonstrate
274. religion
275. linguistic
276. offend
277. male
278. prey
279. desperate
280. deceive
281. craft
282. enterprise
283. hierarchy
284. entire
285. random
286. awake
287. soothe
288. ritual
289. tendency
290. internal
291. breakthrough
292. lightning
293. scholar
294. astronomy
295. entertain
296. external
297. wheel
298. divide
299. occur
300. pregnant
301. calculate
302. yield
303. declare
304. architecture
305. groan
306. mere
307. repeat
308. detect
309. exceed
310. infer
311. oppose
312. advantage
313. digest
314. faculty
315. subjective
316. smash
317. urge
318. determine
319. celebrate
320. willing
321. consume
322. crucial
323. reluctant
324. prestige
325. serve
326. blueprint
327. rebel
328. retain
329. drift
330. current
331. mass
332. paradox
333. quantity
334. identify
335. trial
336. obtain
337. textile
338. reveal
339. mistake
340. seek
341. scatter
342. address
343. corporation
344. aspect
345. immigrant
346. emphasize
347. associate
348. nuisance
349. gaze
350. ultimate
351. acquire
352. appetite
353. credit
354. argue
355. habit
356. require
357. apparent
358. individual
359. revolution
360. struggle
361. cease
362. element
363. account
364. consequence


























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ターゲット1900 5 out of 5 stars 2.5 out of 5 stars


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-単語帳レビュー, 高校生, 高校英語

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