

単語帳レビュー 高校生 高校英語


投稿日:2022年5月11日 更新日:






単語帳 単語レベル 解説・派生語 回しやすさ
ターゲット1900 5 out of 5 stars


4 out of 5 stars

4 out of 5 stars
システム英単語 5 out of 5 stars 4 out of 5 stars 4 out of 5 stars


必携英単語LEAP 4 out of 5 stars


4.5 out of 5 stars 4 out of 5 stars
Stock4500 4 out of 5 stars


4 out of 5 stars 4 out of 5 stars














派生語としては名詞の"expansion"はどちらにも載っているのが確認できますが、形容詞の"expansive"はターゲットだけに載っているのがわかりますか? このような微妙な差が、随所に見られます。実は他の単語帳とも派生語の豊富さは見比べたことがあるんですが、体感的にターゲット1900は、鉄壁の次くらいには派生語が豊富に載っていると感じます。面白みに欠けるレイアウトと思われがちですが、1単語あたりの情報量には定評がありますね







伝わりますか? 詳しくは動画バージョンが完成したら、動きをつけて説明しておきますね。










では記事をご覧になったみなさんのために、各2冊の独自単語をリスト表示します。縦にどうしても長くなるので、袋とじ状態にしておきます。どちらの単語帳をメインにしていたとしても、 もう片方の独自単語をカードでストックしておけば、1冊だけのライバルに差をつけることができます。勉強になるから訳は辞書で調べてね。


1. aid
2. bid
3. bob
4. bug
5. due
6. dye
7. hay
8. pin
9. pop
10. wed
11. bear
12. beat
13. bill
14. bite
15. chip
16. clip
17. deal
18. deny
19. doom
20. ease
21. emit
22. file
23. firm
24. flap
25. flip
26. flow
27. gear
28. grid
29. grip
30. hang
31. hate
32. herd
33. hide
34. hive
35. host
36. idea
37. item
38. jail
39. lend
40. link
41. loan
42. mall
43. mark
44. maze
45. mean
46. mere
47. mild
48. mill
49. mode
50. monk
51. mood
52. most
53. numb
54. odor
55. pity
56. plug
57. pose
58. pump
59. race
60. rear
61. reef
62. ripe
63. sake
64. scan
65. seal
66. shun
67. slip
68. sort
69. soul
70. spin
71. surf
72. term
73. tone
74. vice
75. view
76. agent
77. basin
78. blade
79. blank
80. bleed
81. blend
82. bless
83. blink
84. bully
85. cater
86. cause
87. chart
88. click
89. court
90. crack
91. curve
92. dense
93. doubt
94. drill
95. elite
96. embed
97. equal
98. erupt
99. exact
100. excel
101. exile
102. expel
103. extra
104. fairy
105. fancy
106. fault
107. fiber
108. float
109. flush
110. forge
111. forth
112. globe
113. greed
114. grind
115. guard
116. haunt
117. haven
118. humor
119. image
120. index
121. input
122. issue
123. joint
124. limit
125. liver
126. major
127. means
128. model
129. motor
130. mummy
131. nerve
132. novel
133. obese
134. panel
135. panic
136. pitch
137. polar
138. relax
139. renew
140. rhyme
141. route
142. royal
143. shame
144. skull
145. spare
146. spark
147. spell
148. spray
149. stack
150. stain
151. stall
152. stern
153. stick
154. store
155. stray
156. swing
157. tense
158. theft
159. timid
160. topic
161. trick
162. tweet
163. unify
164. verse
165. waste
166. weary
167. weird
168. yield
169. abrupt
170. active
171. actual
172. addict
173. allege
174. arctic
175. ascend
176. aspire
177. assume
178. attend
179. awaken
180. barrel
181. behave
182. browse
183. bureau
184. cereal
185. charge
186. clinic
187. cortex
188. county
189. create
190. credit
191. damage
192. deduce
193. depart
194. design
195. devine
196. edible
197. entail
198. errand
199. esteem
200. evolve
201. excess
202. export
203. figure
204. filter
205. format
206. govern
207. hollow
208. inject
209. kidney
210. lawyer
211. league
212. liquid
213. makeup
214. manage
215. manner
216. marine
217. matter
218. memory
219. mortal
220. motion
221. object
222. offset
223. orient
224. outfit
225. phrase
226. plight
227. pollen
228. public
229. reason
230. refuge
231. regain
232. regime
233. repeat
234. scarce
235. sector
236. secure
237. settle
238. shield
239. sneeze
240. sprawl
241. strike
242. symbol
243. tablet
244. target
245. thirst
246. threat
247. thrill
248. unfold
249. update
250. vendor
251. verify
252. versus
253. visual
254. worsen
255. account
256. address
257. allergy
258. antique
259. archive
260. article
261. balance
262. cabinet
263. capital
264. certain
265. chamber
266. channel
267. classic
268. comfort
269. command
270. comment
271. company
272. compute
273. concern
274. conduct
275. console
276. contact
277. content
278. contest
279. convict
280. corrupt
281. culture
282. cynical
283. digital
284. dilemma
285. drastic
286. dynamic
287. eclipse
288. ecology
289. embassy
290. entitle
291. exclude
292. exhaust
293. expense
294. explode
295. extinct
296. extreme
297. fallacy
298. fantasy
299. fashion
300. fortune
301. furnish
302. gallery
303. garment
304. glacier
305. gradual
306. imagine
307. impress
308. inhabit
309. inquire
310. instant
311. involve
312. isolate
313. justify
314. license
315. literal
316. maximum
317. measure
318. mineral
319. mislead
320. mixture
321. monitor
322. nursery
323. observe
324. ongoing
325. outline
326. overlap
327. partial
328. placebo
329. plastic
330. prairie
331. precise
332. premium
333. prosper
334. refresh
335. relieve
336. request
337. respect
338. reunion
339. rubbish
340. scenery
341. section
342. sensory
343. sibling
344. slavery
345. spatial
346. subject
347. succeed
348. swallow
349. terrify
350. texture
351. thermal
352. thought
353. traffic
354. unknown
355. utility
356. vaccine
357. violent
358. virtual
359. zealous
360. absolute
361. academic
362. accustom
363. acoustic
364. apparent
365. artistic
366. asteroid
367. attorney
368. commence
369. constant
370. converse
371. cosmetic
372. decrease
373. diagnose
374. disabled
375. disagree
376. discount
377. disorder
378. dispatch
379. distinct
380. doctrine
381. dramatic
382. eligible
383. external
384. frequent
385. geometry
386. glossary
387. holistic
388. humanity
389. imperial
390. implicit
391. inferior
392. interact
393. interest
394. interior
395. intrigue
396. landmine
397. likewise
398. literacy
399. literary
400. magnetic
401. maintain
402. maternal
403. medicine
404. monetary
405. mortgage
406. multiple
407. nonsense
408. obsolete
409. ordinary
410. organize
411. overseas
412. platform
413. populate
414. possible
415. practice
416. presence
417. probable
418. scenario
419. seasonal
420. semester
421. sensible
422. simulate
423. solitude
424. symmetry
425. thorough
426. underlie
427. wireless
428. advertise
429. algorithm
430. alternate
431. authority
432. challenge
433. character
434. community
435. constrain
436. construct
437. costitute
438. criterion
439. diplomacy
440. empirical
441. extrovert
442. formation
443. guideline
444. highlight
445. immediate
446. inability
447. infection
448. inflation
449. intellect
450. intervene
451. librarian
452. longevity
453. masculine
454. millenium
455. necessary
456. obsession
457. overwhelm
458. paralysis
459. pervasive
460. plausible
461. preoccupy
462. recipient
463. signature
464. situation
465. sociology
466. spectator
467. spiritual
468. sweatshop
469. synthesis
470. transport
471. universal
472. unrelated
473. voluntary
474. workforce
475. aboriginal
476. accidental
477. antibiotic
478. appreciate
479. compassion
480. complicate
481. congestion
482. contagious
483. deliberate
484. depression
485. discipline
486. discourage
487. harassment
488. inequality
489. internship
490. irrelevant
491. mainstream
492. manuscript
493. meaningful
494. mechanical
495. parliament
496. prefecture
497. technology
498. ubiquitous
499. unexpected
500. unfamiliar
501. unpleasant
502. vocational
503. worthwhile
504. approximate
505. archaeology
506. collaborate
507. communicate
508. controversy
509. cooperation
510. correlation
511. fingerprint
512. immigration
513. information
514. intelligent
515. merchandise
516. nationality
517. nonetheless
518. personality
519. pessimistic
520. prehistoric
521. preliminary
522. anthropology
523. conventional
524. disadvantage
525. insufficient
526. intelligible
527. intermediate
528. neighborhood
529. enlightenment
530. misunderstand
531. questionnaire
532. underestimate
533. undergraduate
534. unprecedented
535. infrastructure


1. add
2. ape
3. ash
4. bay
5. era
6. hug
7. jam
8. kid
9. lap
10. nap
11. nor
12. per
13. rag
14. sew
15. shy
16. sin
17. tax
18. vow
19. wit
20. ache
21. aged
22. base
23. bold
24. bomb
25. calm
26. chat
27. clap
28. cost
29. crew
30. curb
31. damp
32. dawn
33. deed
34. defy
35. dull
36. dust
37. edge
38. flaw
39. fond
40. foul
41. fuss
42. germ
43. heir
44. hire
45. huge
46. hurt
47. idle
48. junk
49. lack
50. lane
51. lazy
52. lest
53. lord
54. loss
55. lump
56. lung
57. lure
58. male
59. mate
60. mine
61. navy
62. odds
63. omit
64. pale
65. path
66. plow
67. poke
68. pole
69. rate
70. reap
71. riot
72. risk
73. rust
74. seat
75. seed
76. sign
77. sink
78. skip
79. slap
80. sour
81. spur
82. stun
83. suit
84. tale
85. text
86. thus
87. tiny
88. trim
89. tune
90. twin
91. ugly
92. unit
93. vein
94. wage
95. weep
96. worm
97. yard
98. adore
99. alike
100. array
101. awake
102. beast
103. brain
104. bride
105. bunch
106. canal
107. cargo
108. cheer
109. chest
110. chill
111. choke
112. chore
113. cough
114. craft
115. crowd
116. delay
117. digit
118. dozen
119. dwell
120. empty
121. endow
122. enemy
123. fever
124. flood
125. glory
126. goods
127. guess
128. haste
129. hatch
130. hence
131. inner
132. labor
133. loose
134. marry
135. mayor
136. merry
137. midst
138. nasty
139. onset
140. ought
141. owing
142. peril
143. plead
144. prior
145. prose
146. purse
147. raise
148. rapid
149. reach
150. ready
151. reply
152. saint
153. scene
154. scold
155. score
156. scorn
157. shake
158. shape
159. sharp
160. shelf
161. shrug
162. silly
163. slang
164. slave
165. solar
166. spite
167. stalk
168. storm
169. sweat
170. sword
171. taste
172. theme
173. thief
174. thumb
175. tight
176. token
177. tough
178. trash
179. union
180. vapor
181. verge
182. weigh
183. wheat
184. wheel
185. witch
186. worry
187. yearn
188. youth
189. accept
190. adhere
191. affair
192. affirm
193. agency
194. author
195. barely
196. belong
197. beyond
198. border
199. borrow
200. branch
201. breeze
202. brutal
203. cancer
204. carbon
205. career
206. castle
207. clumsy
208. cosmos
209. divine
210. doomed
211. effort
212. empire
213. entity
214. escape
215. except
216. excuse
217. expect
218. extent
219. factor
220. follow
221. former
222. genius
223. greedy
224. hardly
225. hatred
226. heaven
227. height
228. infant
229. infect
230. injure
231. insane
232. insect
233. intent
234. invent
235. ladder
236. lament
237. lately
238. latest
239. legend
240. linger
241. lively
242. meadow
243. menace
244. merely
245. mighty
246. misery
247. modest
248. mostly
249. murder
250. murmur
251. muscle
252. namely
253. nation
254. nearly
255. nephew
256. oxygen
257. palace
258. pardon
259. period
260. pierce
261. planet
262. plenty
263. poison
264. polite
265. potent
266. preach
267. prison
268. racial
269. rattle
270. remain
271. result
272. riddle
273. rotten
274. savage
275. scream
276. seldom
277. senior
278. spinal
279. spirit
280. statue
281. stream
282. stroll
283. stupid
284. suburb
285. summit
286. summon
287. talent
288. tender
289. undone
290. unless
291. unlike
292. utmost
293. volume
294. voyage
295. weight
296. wicked
297. wither
298. within
299. anatomy
300. applaud
301. athlete
302. beneath
303. besides
304. billion
305. burglar
306. cartoon
307. chapter
308. charity
309. citizen
310. climate
311. degrade
312. density
313. depress
314. despise
315. develop
316. discard
317. discern
318. discuss
319. elderly
320. eminent
321. equator
322. exactly
323. exclaim
324. explain
325. fiction
326. finding
327. flatter
328. foresee
329. frankly
330. garbage
331. general
332. germent
333. haunted
334. horizon
335. immerse
336. indulge
337. inflict
338. inquiry
339. intrude
340. jewelry
341. kingdom
342. largely
343. leather
344. leisure
345. lottery
346. luggage
347. medical
348. mistake
349. monarch
350. naughty
351. nervous
352. novelty
353. nursing
354. obesity
355. passage
356. peasant
357. pioneer
358. poverty
359. private
360. prophet
361. protect
362. provide
363. purpose
364. quarrel
365. quarter
366. refugee
367. rejoice
368. scholar
369. segment
370. selfish
371. senator
372. serious
373. service
374. shatter
375. slender
376. society
377. somehow
378. support
379. tension
380. testify
381. thereby
382. thirsty
383. tourism
384. tremble
385. tyranny
386. upright
387. utterly
388. vehicle
389. vending
390. volcano
391. whether
392. whistle
393. wrecked
394. abruptly
395. activist
396. addicted
397. artifact
398. behavior
399. blessing
400. botanist
401. bullying
402. clinical
403. continue
404. coverage
405. creature
406. criteria
407. detached
408. diameter
409. dinosaur
410. distance
411. emission
412. endeavor
413. entitled
414. envelope
415. equation
416. eruption
417. evacuate
418. favorite
419. floating
420. gigantic
421. graduate
422. hardship
423. helpless
424. heredity
425. ignorant
426. integral
427. involved
428. isolated
429. laughter
430. majority
431. manifest
432. merchant
433. mischief
434. moreover
435. multiply
436. nuisance
437. obsessed
438. organism
439. oriented
440. outraged
441. parasite
442. pavement
443. pleasant
444. possibly
445. probably
446. proclaim
447. property
448. relative
449. renowned
450. restless
451. scarcely
452. security
453. shipping
454. shortage
455. solitary
456. souvenir
457. splendid
458. standard
459. stranger
460. strength
461. striking
462. terminal
463. terrible
464. terrific
465. threaten
466. thrilled
467. universe
468. violence
469. wildlife
470. affection
471. afterward
472. alcoholic
473. allowance
474. ambulance
475. amendment
476. antiquity
477. apparatus
478. appliance
479. bilingual
480. broadcast
481. classical
482. committee
483. communist
484. companion
485. continent
486. cooperate
487. countless
488. departure
489. desperate
490. devastate
491. diagnosis
492. discharge
493. equipment
494. evolution
495. excellent
496. excessive
497. executive
498. exhausted
499. expensive
500. expertise
501. explosion
502. extremely
503. fantastic
504. furniture
505. gradually
506. household
507. humiliate
508. imaginary
509. immigrant
510. ingenious
511. injection
512. instantly
513. integrity
514. intricate
515. lightning
516. literally
517. mandatory
518. marvelous
519. meanwhile
520. mechanism
521. miserable
522. mortality
523. objective
524. overnight
525. paralyzed
526. passenger
527. patriotic
528. petroleum
529. practical
530. precisely
531. procedure
532. professor
533. promising
534. publicity
535. satellite
536. secretary
537. seemingly
538. spectacle
539. statesman
540. synthetic
541. telescope
542. therefore
543. tradition
544. virtually
545. volunteer
546. youngster
547. absolutely
548. accustomed
549. altogether
550. ambassador
551. apparently
552. appearance
553. aspiration
554. autonomous
555. background
556. bureaucrat
557. consistent
558. constitute
559. constraint
560. convention
561. conversely
562. corruption
563. deficiency
564. definitely
565. department
566. diplomatic
567. disability
568. earthquake
569. ecological
570. extinction
571. extinguish
572. frequently
573. generation
574. geological
575. government
576. hemisphere
577. impression
578. inhabitant
579. initiative
580. intriguing
581. literature
582. meditation
583. melancholy
584. misleading
585. occupation
586. plantation
587. population
588. precaution
589. prosperity
590. reasonable
591. refreshing
592. relatively
593. remarkable
594. secondhand
595. skyscraper
596. subjective
597. subscriber
598. thoroughly
599. throughout
600. underlying
601. up-to-date
602. vegetation
603. accordingly
604. advertising
605. alternative
606. antibiotics
607. appointment
608. aristocracy
609. catastrophe
610. comfortable
611. complicated
612. destination
613. deteriorate
614. drastically
615. electricity
616. enlightened
617. immediately
618. innumerable
619. interaction
620. millionaire
621. necessarily
622. preoccupied
623. proficiency
624. respectable
625. respiratory
626. self-esteem
627. shortcoming
628. substantial
629. temperament
630. temperature
631. thermometer
632. ultraviolet
633. accidentally
634. apprehension
635. civilization
636. congratulate
637. conservative
638. considerable
639. constitution
640. construction
641. deliberately
642. headquarters
643. inflammation
644. intellectual
645. intersection
646. intervention
647. kindergarten
648. occasionally
649. organization
650. overwhelming
651. recollection
652. surveillance
653. approximately
654. archaeologist
655. comprehensive
656. controversial
657. physiological
658. predominantly
659. anthropologist
660. characteristic
661. responsibility
662. transportation











1. bob
2. bug
3. hay
4. pin
5. wed
6. chip
7. clip
8. file
9. flap
10. gear
11. grid
12. mall
13. maze
14. mill
15. monk
16. plug
17. seal
18. shun
19. surf
20. curve
21. embed
22. fiber
23. joint
24. motor
25. mummy
26. pitch
27. polar
28. spark
29. stack
30. stall
31. tweet
32. barrel
33. bureau
34. cortex
35. county
36. errand
37. filter
38. format
39. hollow
40. inject
41. league
42. offset
43. outfit
44. pollen
45. regain
46. shield
47. sprawl
48. tablet
49. update
50. vendor
51. chamber
52. compute
53. convict
54. eclipse
55. mislead
56. outline
57. overlap
58. placebo
59. prairie
60. premium
61. sensory
62. slavery
63. texture
64. thermal
65. unknown
66. zealous
67. acoustic
68. commence
69. dispatch
70. glossary
71. holistic
72. interior
73. landmine
74. magnetic
75. mortgage
76. nonsense
77. platform
78. populate
79. scenario
80. seasonal
81. simulate
82. wireless
83. algorithm
84. constrain
85. costitute
86. empirical
87. inability
88. inflation
89. librarian
90. millenium
91. obsession
92. paralysis
93. preoccupy
94. spiritual
95. sweatshop
96. unrelated
97. aboriginal
98. accidental
99. complicate
100. contagious
101. mainstream
102. meaningful
103. unfamiliar
104. unpleasant
105. correlation
106. insufficient
107. neighborhood
108. enlightenment
109. underestimate


1. ash
2. lap
3. rag
4. junk
5. lest
6. poke
7. cargo
8. merry
9. midst
10. owing
11. doomed
12. rotten
13. undone
14. germent
15. haunted
16. jewelry
17. novelty
18. utterly
19. vending
20. whistle
21. wrecked
22. artifact
23. blessing
24. botanist
25. detached
26. evacuate
27. helpless
28. oriented
29. outraged
30. paralyzed
31. autonomous
32. conversely
33. diplomatic
34. geological
35. plantation
36. subscriber
37. drastically
38. enlightened
39. respectable
40. inflammation
41. intervention
42. physiological




















1. absorb
2. succeed
3. extraordinary
4. require
5. task
6. examine
7. psychology
8. mammal
9. librarian
10. archaeology
11. distinct
12. shrink
13. indicate
14. transform
15. individual
16. trace
17. false
18. widespread
19. flame
20. exist
21. theory
22. phrase
23. illuminate
24. explicit
25. benefit
26. instinct
27. aspect
28. format
29. sort
30. propose
31. competent
32. model
33. trial
34. pervasive
35. unfold
36. term
37. prevent
38. institution
39. uncover
40. tide
41. constant
42. enormous
43. cultivate
44. struggle
45. predecessor
46. keen
47. publish
48. empathy
49. enable
50. ease
51. complex
52. crawl
53. target
54. triumph
55. formation
56. exclude
57. starve
58. inevitable
59. repeat
60. guard
61. regard
62. contend
63. ratio
64. republic
65. compensate
66. despite
67. encyclopedia
68. value
69. significant
70. consist
71. purchase
72. claim
73. divert
74. prey
75. surpass
76. rigid
77. agriculture
78. trap
79. encounter
80. obscure
81. skeptical
82. index
83. somewhat
84. defeat
85. force
86. stable
87. extract
88. asteroid
89. sophisticated
90. mass
91. ultimate
92. technique
93. fundamental
94. pronounce
95. drown
96. behave
97. vulnerable
98. vary
99. available
100. flexible
101. persist
102. clash
103. cease
104. obvious
105. sheer
106. concept
107. political
108. comprehend
109. promote
110. pollen
111. cognitive
112. emerge
113. outcome
114. manipulate
115. deliberate
116. abundant
117. grasp
118. determine
119. strategy
120. allow
121. settle
122. hypothesis
123. stare
124. shield
125. adopt
126. lawyer
127. instant
128. recent
129. modify
130. prehistoric
131. arithmetic
132. archive
133. emit
134. tribe
135. neglect
136. neuron
137. phenomenon
138. surplus
139. context
140. architecture
141. boundary
142. narrative
143. nurture
144. justify
145. abstract
146. intervene
147. evidence
148. attempt
149. reign
150. previous
151. source
152. vast
153. consume
154. approach
155. accord
156. literary
157. forth
158. capable
159. nevertheless
160. derive
161. oppose
162. digital
163. entire
164. enrich
165. convey
166. swear
167. inform
168. accidental
169. impact
170. advent
171. symmetry
172. doctrine
173. comfort
174. fuel
175. laboratory
176. unknown
177. cooperation
178. classify
179. conclude
180. plausible


1. republic
2. capable
3. carbon
4. vary
5. aspect
6. agriculture
7. competent
8. emerge
9. extraordinary
10. indicate
11. context
12. swear
13. immerse
14. impact
15. architecture
16. whether
17. purpose
18. defeat
19. illuminate
20. flame
21. approach
22. flood
23. inevitable
24. promote
25. mammal
26. allow
27. tribe
28. adopt
29. cease
30. thereby
31. dawn
32. individual
33. necessarily
34. modify
35. despite
36. mass
37. nevertheless
38. exist
39. pronounce
40. oppose
41. available
42. recent
43. predecessor
44. fuel
45. stable
46. cultivate
47. inform
48. claim
49. background
50. institution
51. value
52. accord
53. require
54. outcome
55. theory
56. benefit
57. vast
58. starve
59. evidence
60. prey
61. purchase
62. explicit
63. political
64. grasp
65. narrative
66. mighty
67. propose
68. flexible
69. boundary
70. trial
71. rigid
72. widespread
73. encyclopedia
74. relative
75. temperature
76. technique
77. somewhat
78. advent
79. regard
80. examine
81. determine
82. nor
83. empire
84. interaction
85. phenomenon
86. shrink
87. scholar
88. reign
89. instinct
90. skeptical
91. enrich
92. volcano
93. consume
94. enormous
95. enable
96. force
97. previous
98. false
99. persist
100. entire
101. task
102. fundamental
103. abundant
104. cognitive
105. sheer
106. surpass
107. nurture
108. risk
109. obvious
110. complex
111. arithmetic
112. consist
113. geological
114. extent
115. constitution
116. attempt
117. psychology
118. kingdom
119. service
120. trap
121. ratio
122. density
123. former
124. laboratory
125. conversely
126. crawl
127. responsibility
128. neuron
129. derive
130. intellectual
131. cartoon
132. keen
133. triumph
134. insect
135. publish
136. comprehend
137. majority
138. significant
139. extract
140. transform
141. evolution
142. contend
143. absorb
144. struggle
145. strategy
146. sophisticated
147. drown
148. hence
149. neglect
150. clash
151. manipulate
152. convey
153. surplus
154. enemy
155. stare
156. source
157. immigrant
158. hemisphere
159. uncover
160. obscure
161. divert
162. ultimate
163. abstract
164. empathy
165. classify
166. compensate
167. distance
168. encounter
169. huge
170. conclude
171. concept
172. tide
173. vulnerable
174. scorn
175. trace
176. prevent
177. hypothesis


1. shrink
2. narrative
3. extract
4. enemy
5. exist
6. impact
7. starve
8. consist
9. somewhat
10. inevitable
11. concerned
12. hence
13. mighty
14. indeed
15. convey
16. volcano
17. task
18. drown
19. laboratory
20. absorb
21. prey
22. individual
23. outcome
24. fix
25. obvious
26. vision
27. kingdom
28. fuel
29. emerge
30. abundant
31. propose
32. cartoon
33. background
34. evident
35. crawl
36. force
37. vary
38. service
39. tribe
40. despite
41. nevertheless
42. trial
43. complex
44. tide
45. obscure
46. republic
47. interaction
48. defeat
49. examine
50. psychology
51. benefit
52. empire
53. agriculture
54. institution
55. enormous
56. ease
57. require
58. former
59. purpose
60. promote
61. stare
62. behave
63. vulnerable
64. determine
65. mass
66. cease
67. concept
68. enable
69. available
70. architecture
71. skeptical
72. regard
73. indicate
74. aspect
75. horrible
76. manipulate
77. struggle
78. articulate
79. claim
80. contend
81. prevent
82. classify
83. state
84. neglect
85. context
86. derive
87. abstract
88. value
89. ultimate
90. otherwise
91. mammal
92. political
93. critical
94. temperature
95. sophisticated
96. theory
97. consume
98. comprehend
99. flexible
100. stable
101. evolution
102. encounter
103. explicit
104. evidence
105. sheer
106. necessarily
107. divert
108. succeed
109. hypothesis
110. extraordinary
111. pronounce
112. relative
113. scale
114. storage
115. biology
116. fundamental
117. flame
118. adopt
119. advent
120. intellectual
121. illuminate
122. keen
123. sort
124. dawn
125. immigrant
126. ability
127. publish
128. swear
129. cultivate
130. instinct
131. persist
132. competent
133. approach
134. transform
135. capable
136. distant
137. nurture
138. term
139. attempt
140. strategy
141. extent
142. entire
143. phenomenon
144. flood
145. compensate
146. trace
147. huge
148. previous
149. ponder
150. conclude
151. triumph
152. allow
153. oppose
154. significant
155. purchase
156. vast
157. insect
158. grasp
159. modify
160. unfold
161. settle
162. false


1. constantly
2. boundary
3. formation
4. cease
5. emit
6. united
7. sharpen
8. agriculture
9. sort
10. incredibly
11. trace
12. dependent
13. hemisphere
14. struggle
15. entry
16. instant
17. distinct
18. advent
19. aspect
20. divert
21. ignorance
22. scorn
23. evolution
24. necessarily
25. outcome
26. psychology
27. rival
28. reportedly
29. otherwise
30. skeptical
31. claim
32. regard
33. critical
34. signal
35. abundant
36. fuel
37. observation
38. dawn
39. compensate
40. agreement
41. flexible
42. nurture
43. nest
44. impact
45. consist
46. footprint
47. extract
48. storage
49. creep
50. tide
51. classify
52. laboratory
53. settle
54. competent
55. background
56. comparable
57. emerge
58. conclude
59. neural
60. label
61. immigrant
62. privacy
63. illuminate
64. literary
65. network
66. surpass
67. justify
68. trap
69. keen
70. tribe
71. abstract
72. phrase
73. crawl
74. related
75. cognitive
76. political
77. previously
78. commercial
79. archaeology
80. comprehend
81. ratio
82. absorb
83. vulnerable
84. recent
85. strategy
86. shrink
87. enemy
88. ease
89. enrich
90. comparison
91. enormous
92. intervene
93. deliberate
94. stable
95. relative
96. evidence
97. distinction
98. attempt
99. empire
100. manipulate
101. sophisticated
102. location
103. epoch
104. widespread
105. kingdom
106. obscure
107. former
108. coast
109. mass
110. invisible
111. prehistoric
112. grasp
113. limitation
114. handful
115. preservation
116. scale
117. transform
118. trial
119. flame
120. neglect
121. prey
122. extraordinary
123. purpose
124. uncover
125. previous
126. hypothesis
127. inform
128. triumph
129. constitution
130. predecessor
131. surplus
132. intellectual
133. defeat
134. clay
135. ponder
136. modify
137. persist
138. reign
139. fairly
140. mammal
141. ultimate
142. entire
143. available
144. asteroid
145. republic





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